Ways to have a strong personality

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
7 Traits of a Strong Personality Any Person Can Develop
Video: 7 Traits of a Strong Personality Any Person Can Develop


Are you wishing for a stronger personality? Do you want to become more decisive and assertive? Many people aspire to develop strong personalities, such as assertiveness, leadership, and resilience. Almost everyone aspires to possess this personality because then they will be seen as adventurous, friendly, free people, and often hold a leadership position that makes their opinions always respected. Learn to appreciate these personalities and take action to develop strong ones.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding Personality Characteristics

  1. Understand what personality describes. In psychological terms, personality often describes a person's unique personality. These characteristics include ways of thinking, feeling and acting. They combine to determine how a person reacts to certain situations.
    • Some examples of personality traits include: honest, sad, relaxed, friendly, or hasty.

  2. Learn basic personality theory. There are various theories that explain how personality develops and why some people possess one trait and not another. Most of these theories are based on the belief that personality is grounded in genetic and environmental factors (according to the "innate and nurturing" theory). Once a personality develops, it stabilizes over time.
    • Allport's personality psychology has contradicted that personality traits are determined by genetic predisposition, but it is environmental experiences that contribute to character formation.
    • Eysenck's personality theory believes that personality can be understood by looking at several aspects of a person's overall behavior.

  3. Appreciate your own personality traits. Realize that every aspect of your personality counts. Sometimes you will have difficulty recognizing subtle personality traits, because a strong personality is dominant. Subtle personality traits, such as judgmental ability, generosity, and empathy, are just as important as strong personality.
    • Don't forget that a gentle personality becomes strong in certain situations or roles.For example, empathy and conscientiousness are very important during major life events, like weddings or funerals.

  4. Properly assess other people's personalities. Realize that each person possesses a unique set of personalities. Understanding the differences in personality traits between people can be helpful when working as a team, or as a manager. Appreciating strong but subtle traits, such as empathy and generosity, can help strengthen relationships and make teamwork more effective at the same time.
    • Great leaders and managers are often able to appreciate, improve, and use different personality types effectively.
    • For example, if you notice that someone in the group is soft-spoken, but knowledgeable about a topic, let that person create detailed project or program documents. This will take advantage of the person's skills without putting him / her under pressure.

Part 2 of 3: Developing Assertiveness

  1. Understand how strong assertiveness is. Assertiveness is the ability to express an opinion or stand up for your rights skillfully, without being offensive or conservative. This is seen as the opposite of passivity or shyness. Some aspects of assertiveness also include the ability to:
    • Asking for things from others (like favors), the ability to delegate, ask for support, and express needs or wants.
    • Expressing negative emotions, such as disagreeing, complaining, wanting to be alone, and denying requests from others.
    • Show positive emotions, such as pride or attraction, and praise others.
    • Asking reasons of authority and tradition issues with respect. This demonstrates your efforts to make change and shows that you agree to share power in decision-making.
    • Start, continue, and end conversations with others confidently, as well as the ability to change topics of conversation and share ideas or experiences.
    • Effectively deal with everyday irritations before they become reasons for anger.
  2. Identify the area of ​​life where you want to be more assertive. You may want to be more assertive at work. Or, maybe you want to be more assertive at home. Take time to reflect on what aspects of your life can be beneficial when you stand up for your own interests. You should also think about what you are struggling with right now.
    • For example, you might want to let your boss know that you are overwhelmed and want to hand over some tasks to another member of the team.
    • Another example is if your partner keeps repeating something that annoys you over and over again, then you will want to be able to wisely express your upset.
  3. Show assertiveness to others. Be most specific about how you view things when describing a situation or problem. Take care not to use sentences that begin with "you". This type of sentence sounds like an accusation and is often ineffective. Instead, you should use sentences that begin with "I". Express your point of view assertively while maintaining eye contact and composure. Clearly and specifically describe how you want it to change.
    • For example, if a friend keeps canceling plans with you over and over again, you could say, "When you cancel the plan, I feel very upset and sad. Later, please just plan when you're sure or let me know in advance. "
    • Should make reasonable requests and take into account the needs or limitations of others. You should be open to feedback and willing to make changes if needed.
  4. Practice by role play. Role play is an exercise where you want someone to pretend to be someone you really want to talk to. This will give you a great opportunity to practice your strong nature before actually interacting with the person. Practice by asserting that everything you are planning on expressing to the person.
    • This will help you get through some tough spots during the conversation and increase your confidence in the actual conversation.
    • The role-play will help you and the person you end up talking to. This gives you insight into your communication style and lets yourself tailor the conversation to what should and should not.

Part 3 of 3: Building Leadership and Resilience

  1. Understand how leadership is a strong personality trait. Leadership is the ability to direct, motivate, or inspire others to challenge themselves or fulfill their goals. Some people possess this ability completely innate, but you can also learn and develop it in the direction of skill. Leadership is not simply directing a large group of members. You can use this skill to positively influence others on your peer group, like turning conversations into more positive or interesting topics.
    • Leadership also helps you gain trust from colleagues or superiors.
    • For example, you may find that you often sit back and listen to a lot of conversations. However, you may find yourself in a group where no one really wants to talk. Leadership simply inspires everyone on the team to start talking about a certain topic, whether it's a political issue or a new TV show.
  2. Try leadership enhancement activities. There are no standard rules for being a leader. Instead, developing a variety of skills can create leadership thought. You can try volunteering to lead a small tournament team, join the organizers at work, sign up for project management skills training at the office, or find a thick mentor. Experienced in directing and influencing others. Use the above activity to enhance the following skills:
    • Motivating others and giving the right guidance
    • Feel free to assume responsibility and accept responsibility if something goes wrong
    • Take the initiative to make a change
    • Organize, organize people, for example at events or gatherings
    • Learn from disappointment or failure
    • Excellent skill in listening to group views and needs
    • Flexibly change your plan if needed
  3. Develop resilience. Resilience is the ability to withstand stress and adapt to changes. For example, you can be resilient in case you find out you have a chronic illness, but still maintain an optimistic attitude and inspire those around you. Resilience is innate to some people, but you can really learn how to become more resilient. If you are resilient, you will be able to:
    • Make your plan realistic and keep it going
    • Self-confidence in capacity
    • Communicate information and solve problems effectively
    • Control strong emotions and impulses
  4. Take action to build a lasting relationship. Even the most resilient person struggles to cope with stressful situations. Having a strong relationship will help you build resilience in times of trouble. Pursue relationships with friends, family, or the community. They will create a strong support network that will help you develop resilience.
  5. Form a resilient mindset. Individuals who do not possess resilience often have a difficult time finding a solution to a difficult situation. If this is the case for you, then you probably feel that the situation will last forever and there is nothing you can do about it. Develop a strong personality by learning to trust yourself. Realize that while you cannot change the situation, you can completely change the way you view it.
    • For example, if you are struggling with a tough training period after starting a new job, remind yourself that training is over and you will be well prepared for this new job. The training period is only temporary.
  6. Take action to solve the problem. If you feel that you are stuck and your life is just a series of monotonous habits, do something about it, especially when you are going through hard days. You will want to give up and let it go when things get tough. However, it is important to overcome any problems by taking action if possible. The feeling of moving forward will help you regain your spirits and feel as if you are in control.
    • For example, maybe someone told you that you'll never become a professional athlete. At this point you should continue to work, defy any gossip, or put your energy into a new hobby. Don't give up and give up easily.