Learn chemistry

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
01 - Introduction To Chemistry - Online Chemistry Course - Learn Chemistry & Solve Problems
Video: 01 - Introduction To Chemistry - Online Chemistry Course - Learn Chemistry & Solve Problems


Chemistry can be a difficult subject to learn, especially if you don't approach studying this complex science in the right way. While there are no quick ways to help you master chemistry, you can make it easier by studying the right way. Once you know the best methods of spending your study time and preparing for the lessons, you can focus on understanding the concepts better.

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Method 1 of 4: Prepare for chemistry

  1. Refresh your math knowledge. You will have to be able to work with various formulas and equations to learn chemistry. If you don't remember how to work with logarithms or quadratic equations, it is a good idea to do some algebra problems again. After that, it is easier to do similar chemistry tasks.
  2. Memorize the periodic table. Learning the elements is essential to success in chemistry. Just as math would get really tricky if you don't know the difference between numbers, it is essential to learn the periodic table to understand the more complex chemical concepts.
    • A band called AsapSCIENCE has a three minute song called "The New Periodic Table Song (In Order)" that makes memorizing the periodic table a lot easier.
  3. Study all core concepts and learn to solve problems step by step. You could start with the basics of measurement systems, the scientific method, chemical nomenclature and atomic structure. The reason many people find chemistry difficult is that they do not fully understand these fundamental concepts before moving on to the more advanced topics.
    • Many of the fundamental concepts of chemistry can be learned through university websites that offer free learning materials.
    • You can also find helpful guides such as SparkNotes or the "For Dummies" books at your local bookstore or library.
    • Write the concepts on paper. Studies have shown that when you write by hand, you can remember concepts better.
  4. Make flashcards. Every time you learn a new word or concept you make a flashcard for it. This is great for the periodic table as well as many other principles. Go through the flashcards several times a week to keep the information fresh in your memory.
  5. Use reminders. Try to represent each element as a different symbol, such as an apple or football. This can be anything you can imagine in your mind when you think about the element. It may seem counterintuitive, but creating strong associations will make it easier for you to remember information.
  6. Think three-dimensional. Use visual aids to better understand the material. You are used to learning from a textbook with 2D drawings of molecules, but keep in mind that chemistry takes place in a three-dimensional world. Use 3D models or train your brain to visualize a molecular structure in 3D.
    • The University of Liverpool has a website called ChemTube 3D with free interactive animations and textures for many chemistry concepts. It even runs on your mobile or tablet.

Method 2 of 4: Read textbooks

  1. Choose a quality textbook that covers all the important concepts. Don't choose a book because it looks easier. You may then feel as if you have learned chemistry without really understanding the essential principles. To find a good textbook you can take a look at academic bookstores and try to find out which books are used within the field of study.
  2. Solve issues when you encounter them. Practice your problem-solving skills by solving problems you encounter in textbooks. These exercises are given to improve your understanding of the text. Work out the exercises until you have received the correct answer and understood the necessary steps.
  3. Don't just skim the text. You have to understand the principles. If something doesn't seem right, take the time to find out. With the index you can find the answers to things you don't understand.
    • If you still don't understand, find a mentor or friend who is good at chemistry and ask to help you.
  4. As you learn a new formula, ask yourself questions to make sure you understand the concept. Memorizing the formulas will not help you to apply them correctly during lab sessions or tests. Ask yourself the following questions when learning a new formula:
    • What kind of system or change does this formula describe?
    • What do the variables mean and what are their units?
    • When and how should this formula be applied?
    • What is its meaning?

Method 3 of 4: Experiment with trials

  1. Practice the concepts. The opportunity to practice the abstract concepts of chemistry with experiments will help you develop a stronger understanding. Some people find that they find it easier to understand the material when they interact with it, rather than just read about it.
  2. Try to make connections between the practicals and the content of the textbooks when you go through the material. If you are taking a course, the practicals are intended to support the lessons and lectures. Pay close attention when the lab assignments are given, as you will likely find the corresponding information on an exam.
  3. Use scientific methods. chemistry is ultimately a science performed in a laboratory. Take the opportunity to learn through experimentation. It offers you the chance to refresh your knowledge of measurements and comparisons. You can even have fun with it.

Method 4 of 4: Develop good study habits

  1. Study at least one hour a day. By going through the lesson material on a daily basis, you will be able to retain knowledge better. Studying every day for a short period of time for a week will yield better results than studying all day just before a test.
    • Just as athletes practice their sport every day to get better, you need to do the same to learn chemistry and get better at it.
  2. Take good notes. Writing down important information will help you remember it. During the lesson, write down all the important concepts of that subject. Also write down the main ideas from your book. Even if you feel like you know, writing it down will help you remember it better.
  3. Study with others. Two know more than one. Learning is much easier when you undertake that journey together with someone. If you are struggling with a lesson, the other person may be able to help you understand it by explaining how they have come to understand the material. Likewise, you can strengthen your own knowledge by explaining concepts to someone else.
  4. Talk to your teacher. Your teacher or professor will have office hours. Go there and ask questions about parts of the material you don't understand. Teachers are eager to give students a little extra help when they ask for it. However, do not expect an answer if you ask the question at a quarter to eleven on the evening before the test.
    • Your teacher can also give you old exams or tests to go through. This will help you determine which type questions you may encounter on your exams, but it won't tell you exactly which specific questions you are going to get.


  • Don't worry about your mistakes. They are only part of the learning process. Everyone makes them.
  • Plan to study the subject for up to 15 hours per week if you are in chemistry.
  • Take enough rest! Learning chemistry requires a lot of thinking. Make sure you get a good night's sleep before continuing your studies.