Sear turkey

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
A Better Way to Turkey
Video: A Better Way to Turkey


If you're trying to eat lean meat more often, use ground turkey in your cooking. Sear the meat in a frying pan on the stove or heat it in the microwave until it reaches a food-safe temperature of 70 ° C. You throw away fat before using the meat. You can use the seared ground turkey in any recipes that require ground beef.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Sear on the stove

  1. If necessary, defrost the meat. If you want to sear frozen ground turkey, you will need to defrost the meat first. To thaw the ground turkey in the fridge, put it in the fridge for 24 hours before searing it. You can also remove the ground turkey from its packaging and place it in a microwave dish. Use the microwave defrost setting for the weight of ground turkey you want to defrost.
    • To prevent the meat from spoiling, sear the ground turkey immediately after thawing it in the microwave.
    • If you don't have time to defrost the meat, you can also sear it frozen. Searing will take longer and you will not be able to stir the meat as easily.
  2. Heat a frying pan. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. If you're using very lean ground turkey, it may be a good idea to add a few teaspoons of vegetable oil to the skillet. This way the ground turkey will not stick to the pan.
  3. Add the ground turkey to the pan and stir through. Remove the turkey mince from its packaging and place it in the preheated frying pan. Use a spoon to separate the ground beef and stir well.
  4. Sear the ground turkey for 14 to 16 minutes. Stir into the ground turkey from time to time and sear for 14 to 16 minutes. The ground turkey should turn a white-gray color and then start to brown slightly as it caramelizes.
  5. Check the temperature of the seared ground turkey. Insert a meat thermometer into the meat and check the temperature. The meat must be at least 70 ° C before it is safe to use in a recipe.
  6. Drain the ground turkey. Place a few sheets of kitchen paper on a large plate. Place the seared meat on the paper towels so that the fat remains in the skillet and the paper towels absorb the excess fat.

Method 2 of 3: Sear in the microwave

  1. Place the ground turkey in a microwave dish. Remove the turkey mince from its packaging and place it in a microwave dish. If the bowl has a lid, put it on. You can also tear off a piece of cling film and place it over the dish.
    • It is important to cover the ground turkey as this will keep the heat in the shell and kill any harmful bacteria.
    • If the ground turkey is frozen, use the defrost setting on the microwave before searing the ground turkey. Fry the thawed ground turkey immediately.
  2. Heat the ground turkey in the microwave for two and a half minutes. Place the covered dish in the microwave and heat the ground turkey for two and a half minutes. Remember that the ground turkey is not fully cooked after that.
  3. Stir into the ground turkey and reheat in the microwave for an additional two and a half minutes. Carefully remove the ground turkey dish from the microwave. Remove the lid and stir the meat to break it up and make sure it cooks evenly. Put the lid back on the bowl and put it back in the microwave. Heat the meat for another two and a half minutes.
  4. Check the temperature before using the ground turkey. Remove the ground turkey from the microwave and insert a meat thermometer. The ground turkey is safe to use when it has a temperature of 70 ° C. You can then season the ground turkey and use it in your favorite recipe.
    • If you want to drain the ground turkey, place a few sheets of kitchen paper on a large plate. Place the seared meat on the paper towels so that the fat remains in the microwave dish and the paper towels absorb the excess fat.

Method 3 of 3: Use seared ground turkey

  1. Put ground turkey in soup. Ground turkey is an excellent ingredient if you want to add lean protein to your soup. Stir some seared ground turkey into your favorite vegetable soup or chili. Let the dish simmer until the vegetables or beans are soft.
    • You can also put a turkey dish in tasty curries. This tastes good with rice and flatbread.
  2. Use ground turkey in casseroles. Instead of minced pork or ground beef, you can also put ground turkey in your favorite casserole. For example, make a lighter turkey stroganoff, shepherd's pie or lasagna. If you're short on time, you can also make traditional spaghetti with meat sauce that uses ground turkey.
  3. Make tacos or fried rice with turkey. To prepare some quick meals, fill hard or soft taco shells with ground turkey. Season the ground turkey with taco seasoning or Mexican seasoning. Another quick dish is fried rice with frying pan mixed vegetables. Add some ground turkey and serve the fried rice with soy sauce.
    • If you want an even lighter meal, make a fresh green salad and garnish with ground turkey. Cut extra vegetables into pieces for garnish.
  4. Fill peppers or make meat sandwiches. Instead of using ground beef for meat sandwiches, use seared ground turkey for a lower fat dish. If you want to eat more vegetables, mix ground turkey with cheese and sauce. Fill hollowed out peppers with this mixture and fry until the peppers are soft.
    • You can also use ground turkey instead of ground beef if you are making your own pizza.


  • Do not put water in the pan or dish, as this will prevent the ground turkey from caramelizing during the searing process.


  • Baking pan
  • Spoon
  • Plate
  • Plastic foil
  • Paper towels
  • Microwave-safe bowl with lid
  • Microwave
  • Thermometer