Prepare for your first swimming lesson as an adult

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 10 May 2024
Adults Learn How to Swim for the First Time | Lifehacker
Video: Adults Learn How to Swim for the First Time | Lifehacker


Learning to swim can be both easy and difficult for adults. Although adults understand certain concepts better than children, they are often plagued by low self-confidence and insecurity. Their fears about what they look like in swimming trunks and how dumb they might look while learning to swim can block them and prevent them from doing their best. The best way to overcome this is to learn the basics of swimming first, develop confidence and feel more and more comfortable in the water.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Collecting the right stuff

  1. Provide suitable swimwear. Find swimwear that is comfortable, fits well, and that you can move in. It should not sink when you jump into the pool. Keep the embellished bikinis and loose swimsuits for the beach or pool; you need something that is sleek and easy to move around in.
    • Be extra careful with the color white. Depending on the structure, it can become transparent when wet.
  2. Put on a bathing cap. Not only will it protect your hair from chlorine, but it will also make your body more streamlined and reduce water tension. If you have long hair, make sure to tie it up first and then tuck it under the bathing cap.
    • Some bathing caps contain latex. If you are allergic to latex, read the cap label first to make sure it does not contain latex.
  3. Buy good glasses that don't leak. Nothing ruins swimming faster than water in the eyes. Find swimming goggles that fit well around your eyes and are comfortable. Never buy one that covers both the nose and mouth. If possible, try on the glasses at the store before purchase - if not, make sure to buy glasses with an adjustable nose bridge. This ensures a good fit. If you normally wear glasses, you can consider prescription swimming goggles, which are not much more expensive than normal glasses. This will allow you to see your instructor well, and it will make the swimming experience more enjoyable.
    • Some contain latex. If you are allergic to latex, check the packaging before purchasing to make sure it does not contain latex.
  4. Consider purchasing other swimming gear. Many people find that things like pool hoses, kickboards and flippers help them with different aspects of swimming. If your swimming instructor recommends these items, consider purchasing them as well.
    • You can also buy nose plugs and earplugs to keep water from getting into your nose and ears.
    • If you're swimming in an outdoor pool, make sure to put on sunscreen.

Part 2 of 4: Learning to breathe

  1. Get used to the feeling of holding your face under water. Make sure you are wearing the goggles. At this point, you may need to adjust the glasses by tightening the straps so that the glasses don't leak.
    • If you don't feel comfortable entering the pool just yet, you can practice this part with a bowl of warm water. The bowl should be twice the size of your face.
  2. Practice inhaling and exhaling. First, take a deep breath through your mouth, then put your face in the water. Exhale slowly through your mouth, just enough to prevent the water from entering your mouth.
    • Some swimmers find it more comfortable to exhale through both their nose and mouth. If you prefer that, then do it.
    • Some swimmers find that a pinch on the nose helps to exhale better underwater.
  3. Exhale slowly. You should take twice as much time to exhale as to inhale. If you find this difficult to keep track of, time your exhalation by counting to ten.
  4. Relax as you lift your mouth out of the water to breathe and your face is in the water. You will likely get water in your mouth at some point while you are underwater. While this may feel uncomfortable, it is not a near-death experience. It happens to a lot of people, especially when they first learn to swim.
    • One way to reduce your water intake is to place your tongue as if you were saying "Kieh".
  5. Don't forget to keep your focus on the bottom of the pool. Although you are not swimming yet, this is good practice. It will help keep your body straight and aligned. If you keep your head above water, your body will tilt upwards, creating more counter pressure and resistance. It makes it more difficult to swim.
    • If your pool has those black lanes, use that as a point to focus on.

Part 3 of 4: Gaining confidence in the water

  1. Get into the water and move your arms sideways and up and down. You can feel the pressure of the water resisting, and you may even notice how it makes your body move around. Moving your arms sideways will make your body turn. Pushing down will cause your body to rise. By moving your arms back, you tilt forward.
    • You can do this standing or sitting, but you must be in the water up to your shoulders.
    • This is sometimes referred to as "scullen".
  2. Go a little deeper into the water, where you can still stand. Make sure to keep your head above water.
  3. Hold on to the shore side and start drifting up and down. Use your feet to push off the pool floor, and don't forget to exhale through your mouth.
  4. When you're ready, push off and release your hands from the wall. Push off from the bottom with your feet to get up and grab the wall. Paddle and kick as you come up.
  5. Keep doing this until you feel comfortable in the water without trying to hold on to the edge of the pool. If you want, you can move even further from the edge of the pool. Remember not to go any deeper than where you can still stand. This way, all you have to do is stand up, should your confidence fail you.
  6. Play in the water until you feel comfortable and relaxed. Get used to your face in the water and stretching your body. Try to become less dependent on a pool or board and be afraid of going underwater. You can even swim a little underwater before coming up again. Your primary response in the water should be to stretch across the surface of the water, paddle, kick, breathe and relax.
    • Don't get discouraged if you accidentally swallow some water. This happens to everyone, even experienced swimmers.

Part 4 of 4: Learning to float and move

  1. Make it a habit to keep your body straight, like a needle on the water. If your hips are lower than your shoulders, your body will tilt upward and you will not be able to float. You can practice this by continuing to practice your balance on a bed, sofa or chair.
  2. Try to float on your back first. Try to keep your body as straight as possible, with the back of your head between your shoulder blades. Move your arms to the side and fan your hands, palms down and away from the hips. This will help you stay afloat and move.
    • Floating on your back is one of the easiest ways to learn to float.
    • If you find this difficult, ask someone with experience to guide you into the position you want.
  3. Roll your body slightly side to side and turn your head to the side to breathe. Look down to exhale, then turn over to your chest and stomach. This is the body position for most swimming styles, including freestyle and breaststroke.
  4. Practice your arms. You can do this in the water or on a sofa / chair. Move your arm behind your head, above your head and forward in a circular motion.
  5. Practice using your legs as flippers. Hold on to the side of the pool, a pool hose or a swim board, and gently move your legs in a gentle, flipper-like motion. Keep your toes straight and your legs as straight as possible. Don't kick from your knees or too hard as this will create too much resistance and slow you down.
    • This is the basic stroke when swimming, either on the back or on the stomach.
    • Your shot shouldn't require too much effort. Pedaling harder will not necessarily make you go faster.
    • You can also practice this stroke while balancing on a bench.
  6. Hold a training board or noodle and stretch out with your chin in the water and kick with your legs. Try to move forward 5 to 10 meters while keeping your face in the water as you exhale. Do a few rounds until you can find this easy. You can keep your face above water for the first few times, but try to work towards swimming with your face underwater. This way you can practice your breathing. You may also find it easier to go swimming!
    • Start practicing in shallow water until you can do this easily, then continue in deeper water.
    • Once you have enough confidence, try this without a kickboard, and with the arm movements.
  7. Use a pool float or buoyancy belt around the waist to improve your skills. It's great exercise after you learn to swim. This can be done while pedaling with the belt on.
    • You can also wear swimming fins while practicing the swimming strokes. Don't wear them all the time, but especially during warm-up and cool-down.
  8. Don't forget to stay safe at all times. Learning to swim is not a competition; you can save that for when you are more experienced. Don't force yourself to go into deeper water if you aren't ready yet. When you get tired, take a break and get out of the deep end.
    • Everyone has started with the basics at some point, so don't feel discouraged by the experienced swimmers around you. They won't think less of you or make fun of you. After all, they were once in the same boat.


  • Remember to keep drinking enough and take a break when you are tired.
  • If you go swimming outside, put on sunscreen.
  • Don't get discouraged. Some people take longer to perfect a technique than others. Proper breathing is difficult for many people to master.
  • Consider using a swimming board. Make sure it is foam and not inflatable.
  • Try to swim every day or every other day. Then you learn faster.
  • The amount of oxygen required for swimming is the same as during normal walking. You don't have to take big gulps of air. Just the same rhythmic breathing as you are used to. Floating up and down in a pool, hot tub, bathtub, a lake, or the ocean is one way to practice this.


  • Do not swim when you are tired. If you don't have enough strength, don't force yourself; get out of the water and take a break.
  • Never swim when you are high or drunk.
  • Do not eat or drink just before swimming.
  • If you can't swim well yet, stay in the shallow end and have a lifeguard or experienced swimmer nearby.


  • Swimsuit
  • Swimming goggles
  • Swimming cap (recommended)
  • Earplugs / nose pads (optional)
  • Swimming fins (optional)
  • Kickboard (optional)