Smoking in the house without getting caught

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Smoking indoors is not ideal, but there are plenty of situations where smoking indoors is preferable to smoking outdoors.Removing the smoke can be a daunting task in itself. It is especially difficult if you want to prevent others from noticing that you have been smoking indoors. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can reduce the risk of getting caught, although these methods are no guarantee. Masking the smell, directing the smoke out, and hiding the evidence will reduce the chances of getting caught.

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Part 1 of 4: Secret smoking

  1. Think about when you want to light a cigarette. The easiest way to minimize the risk of getting caught and the stress that comes with it is to choose a time when the chance of getting caught is minimal. This can be the moment when others have temporarily left the house or when the other residents are asleep. Choose a quiet time when you are unlikely to be disturbed. This is especially important if others enter your room without knocking.
    • Second-hand smoke or secondhand smoke is exposure to the tobacco smoke in the environment. Prevent others from smoking if you care about their health.
  2. Make up a good excuse to leave the house to buy cigarettes. One potential way to get caught is if you leave your home for no good reason. If your roommates are already quite suspicious anyway, they may be following you secretly. The best way to avoid this is to buy your cigarettes during planned activities. You could therefore purchase the cigarettes when you are at work or at school. This way you don't arouse suspicion because you get home on time.
  3. Hide your contraband in an inconspicuous place. Especially if you still live with your parents and they always keep an eye on it, it is important that you hide your cigarettes well. So make sure you don't hide your cigarettes in an obvious place. Keep your eyes peeled in your room and try to find an ideal place to hide the cigarettes. Finding a suitable spot may take some effort, so be patient.
    • While you want to keep your cigarettes out of reach of others, don't hide them in such a way that you make a lot of noise when you go looking for them. If you make too much noise conjuring up your hidden cigarettes, you will undoubtedly attract the attention of your fellow residents.
  4. Stay calm at all times during your interactions with your fellow residents. Hiding a particular item (in this case, cigarettes) will bring some stress, but it's important not to reveal your secret. If you feel stressed fairly quickly, your behavior could make others think you have something to hide. In the worst case, they may feel that you have something much worse than smoking in the house.

Part 2 of 4: Masking the smell

  1. Open a window or a chimney of a fireplace. Before lighting your cigarette, it is important that you create an exit for the smoke. Without an open window or flue from a fireplace, the cigarette smoke will linger, which is bad for your health. Depending on the room in which you are going to smoke, there will no doubt be a window that you can open.
    • The chimney flue of a fireplace may be an even better option, as such channels are specifically intended for the extraction of smoke.
    • It is not wise to light a cigarette in a room where there is no good exit for the smoke.
  2. Place a wet towel under the door. Then you have to make sure that the smoke cannot escape to other parts of the house or building. The best way to do this is to place a towel (preferably wet) under the door. By placing the towel you are blocking the most obvious place for the smoke to escape through.
    • Wetting the towel provides extra protection, but this extra step may not be wise if you're afraid of getting caught because of the wet towel. Someone may notice the wet spot on the ground near the door and then ask questions.
  3. Turn on a ceiling fan or regular fan. The most important step to take is to ensure good air circulation before lighting a cigarette. Turning on the fan can help spread the smoke. Success depends on the type of room in which you smoke, but a regular fan that you can place on the table is often a great option, provided you blow the smoke in the direction of an open window or flue with the help of the fan.
    • Some bathrooms are equipped with special fans (built-in fans) for cleaning the air and removing excess moisture. If your bathroom has such a fan, you could turn it on and blow the smoke in the direction of the fan to remove both the odor and visible smoke.
  4. Fill your room with a different scent before lighting your cigarette. While you ultimately want to eliminate the smell of smoke for good, using another strong scent to mask the smell of smoke is also a good option. This is especially useful when the other residents are at home. You have a wealth of options here, but it is important to find out which option best suits your situation.
    • The most common method of masking odors is to use an air freshener. These "room perfumes" spread a mild, subtle scent to eliminate other odors. Air fresheners are very affordable and easy to find. If you don't already have an air freshener at home, go to your local grocery store to get one. Once you have an air freshener, you should spray the entire room with it. When spraying, pay extra attention to the ceiling, corners and other places where the smoke might linger.
    • If you are in the bathroom you could squirt a small amount of shampoo into the sink and then mix it with water, this is an effective trick. The aromatic qualities of the shampoo will soon take over the bathroom, making the smoke much more difficult to detect.
    • Frankincense is another great option and one of the most effective remedies for masking unwanted smoke. Keep in mind that incense is not appreciated in some places. Some people find the smell of incense just as unpleasant as cigarette smoke.

Part 3 of 4: Act discreetly

  1. Blow the smoke out through an open window. The most common method used while secretly smoking a cigarette indoors is to blow the smoke out through an open window. The smoke now has a suitable exit and the smoke will linger less. The most common method is to simply hang out of the window or lean against the window frame and blow the smoke outside. The way you should do it depends on the shape, position and size of the window. Any window that you can open is an option in itself, as long as the smoke is moved outside as quickly as possible.
    • If you have a movable fan, you could place it next to the window and let it blow in the direction of the window. While exhaling the smoke, you could blow it through the back of the fan. The smoke will be blown out with the help of the blades.
    • If you stand by an open window and look around to avoid being caught, you should keep your eyes peeled and keep an eye on your surroundings. If someone is outside, it may seem very suspicious when you hang out the window. Be alert and caution is advised.
  2. Try to minimize the risk of the smoke smell sticking to you. Keep your hair away from the smoke as much as possible. If you have fairly long hair, it would be wise to secure it. This way, your hair will not absorb as much smoke.
    • You may also be wise to reduce the number of items of clothing that you wear on top of each other. Anything you wear could absorb the scent, so it's wise to wear fewer layers when lighting a cigarette.
  3. Light that cigarette. You can finally smoke that cigarette! But beware, someone could just walk in and see you smoking. The longer you hold the cigarette in your hand, the greater the chance that you will be caught. Enjoy, but try to keep it short.
    • Make sure you can easily hide or hide your cigarette if someone suddenly enters the room. If you do this very quickly, you may be able to get rid of the cigarette without getting caught.
  4. Be alert when you smoke your cigarette. Pay close attention to noises in other rooms or footsteps that seem to be heading in your direction. If it is vital not to get caught, the extra vigilance may save you. It might give you an extra few seconds to get rid of your cigarette, these extra seconds can mean the difference between getting caught and getting away with it.
  5. Spray air freshener as soon as you are done. Even if you have already sprayed with an air freshener before you light the cigarette, it is wise to also spray with the air freshener afterwards. This makes the air freshener scent the most recent scent in the room and makes it more difficult for others to pick up the smell of cigarette smoke.

Part 4 of 4: Hiding the evidence

  1. Put out the cigarette by placing it in cold water. To limit the amount of smoke as much as possible, it is best to extinguish the cigarette with the help of cold water. Hold the cigarette in your hand and extinguish it under the cold tap. Make sure you are holding the cigarette and that no ashes go down the drain. This could clog the drain pipe.
  2. Clean your makeshift ashtray. The definition of "ashtray" depends on where you tap the ashes while you smoke. A small bowl or cup could just as well function as a temporary ashtray. Scrub the object you are using as an ashtray clean with water and a little washing-up liquid until the ashes are gone.
    • If you smoked from a window, it is likely that the ashes have fallen out. This is a good idea in most cases, as long as the ash does not touch the side of the building. If it does, the black trail will lead to your window and show that there has been smoking in the house. It will be very difficult to clean this evidence unseen.
  3. Get rid of the cigarette. The best way to get rid of a cigarette is to simply flush it down the toilet. Before flushing the cigarette, make sure to cover it with several sheets of toilet paper. This reduces the chance that small particles will float back up.
    • If you are very careful and are concerned about getting caught getting rid of the cigarette, you might consider placing the cigarette in a plastic bag with a seal. This way you can throw the cigarette somewhere else when you leave home.
  4. Wash your hands. Even if you've already gotten rid of the cigarette, you still need to take a few more steps to make sure you don't get caught as yet. Washing your hands thoroughly is a good start. Make sure to use a lot of soap. Washing your hands with just warm water is not enough to get rid of the smell.
  5. Brush your teeth. Just like on your hands, the smell of smoking will linger in your mouth. Brush your teeth for at least two minutes, paying extra attention to your tongue and gums.
    • If you still have bad breath afterwards, you can take a mint or piece of gum to solve the problem with the lingering odor.
  6. Take a shower. Showering is the most important step in post-smoking hygiene, as the smell of the smoke lingers on anything it comes into contact with. Use a lot of shampoo and wash your body well. Pay extra attention to your hair, as the scent will linger mainly in your hair. If you usually only focus on your hair when you shower, from now on you should learn to wash your arms, legs, and other body parts exposed to smoke as well. With the right amount of soap and shampoo, a shower of three minutes should be enough to say goodbye to the bad smell.
  7. Put on clean clothes. As soon as you have stepped out of the shower, it is advisable to change clothes. Even if you are particularly diligent about getting rid of the smoke, the smell will still be in your clothes. Clean pants and T-shirt will suffice.
    • You would be wise to do your own laundry if you don't already. If someone else is doing your laundry, they will likely smell the scent even a day later.
  8. Stay relaxed and calm. While indoor smoking is considered stressful enough on its own, trying to hide something from others can be a huge emotional burden, especially if you are very close to them. If you are sensitive to stress and nervousness, your secret may provoke tense reactions, especially when interacting with inmates. If you feel anxious or guilty after smoking the cigarette, remind yourself that the worst is already over. If you've taken the right steps, other people will have no reason to believe you've smoked at all.


  • If for whatever reason you find yourself in a situation where you regularly have to light a cigarette at home, it is wise to buy a water pipe. A water pipe does not produce the same amount of odor and carries fewer risks. Many people have switched to hookahs to get around smoking laws.


  • Despite the fact that you are inside can smoking doesn't automatically mean you should. Other people are likely to get upset if they discover that you have smoked indoors, and smoking in an enclosed area carries additional health risks. Before you light a cigarette, be aware of the potential consequences and decide whether it is worth your while or not.
  • It is also worth realizing that smoking a cigarette indoors can also have negative consequences for others. In addition to the stench, the smoke that lingers can be harmful to other people's lungs, discolor the walls in the house and have a host of other negative effects on the house and residents. Smoking a cigarette in the house from time to time is understandable, but try to be considerate of the inmates if you make it a habit.