Lighting a cigar

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How To Properly Light A Cigar | With Davidoff of London
Video: How To Properly Light A Cigar | With Davidoff of London


Whether you are used to smoking cigars or have never held a cigar in your life, lighting a cigar is always a bit tricky. They are rolled tighter than regular cigarettes and are larger, which means you have to go the extra mile to light one completely. This guide will help you understand how to light a cigar quickly and easily.

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Part 1 of 3: Lighting the cigar

  1. Choose a well-made cigar for smoking. Cigars come in many sizes, so when you go to buy a cigar, pick one that you could see yourself smoking. Also smell the cigar beforehand; if the scent is appealing, you will probably enjoy smoking it. In addition, choose a cigar with no holes or cracks in the packaging and avoid cigars that have spots or chips.
    • Cigars can be up to an inch thick. If you are going to smoke one for the first time, consider going for a smaller one.
    • A cigar should never crumble in your hands.
    • When shopping for cigars online, always read the reviews of others to make sure the cigar is of good quality.
  2. Use an odorless flame to light the cigar. This includes wood matches, jet flame lighters or butane lighters; gasoline lighters and candles should not be used, as their scent exceeds the taste of the cigar.
  3. Light a match or a butane lighter. When using a match, allow the head of the match to burn through completely before lighting the cigar, otherwise you may inhale a sulfur flavor. Hold the cigar in your hand when the match or lighter is on. You can hold the cigar with your thumb and forefinger.
    • If you are using matches, wait a while after lighting the match for the first flame to reduce to a more manageable size.
    • You will likely need several matches to light a cigar.
    • Don't hold the flame too close to your face.
  4. Heat the cigar. Place the lit flame about an inch from the base of the cigar (the end through which you don't inhale). Hold the cigar at a 45 degree angle very close, but not directly in the flame. This prepares the cigar for lighting. Gently swirl the cigar while heating it.
    • By heating the base of the cigar, the tobacco leaves are dried in preparation for lighting.
    • Heat the cigar to the tip.
    • Some heat the cigar until it is lit.
  5. Put the cigar in your mouth when it starts to smolder. The cigar starts to smoke after heating it for a few moments. It has not actually been lit yet, but it is ready to be lit. At this point you can place the cigar between your lips.
  6. Take short puffs on the other side of the cigar while holding it close to the flame. This draws the flame into the cigar and lights the end. As before, do not keep the cigar in the flame, but just above it.Never inhale cigar smoke as if you were smoking a cigarette; this can make you feel uncomfortable and make you nauseous.
    • Blow gently on the lit tip of the cigar to see how evenly it is lit.
    • The entire tip glows when the cigar is lit evenly.
    • Only put the tip of the cigar in your mouth to avoid getting too much saliva on it.
    • Continue to take puffs until the tip glows.

Part 2 of 3: Fixing an uneven glow

  1. Rotate the slow burning part. Cigars often get "runners" or spots that burn faster than others. This uneven combustion must be remedied. The first way you can fix a runner is to turn the cigar so that the spot that doesn't burn as quickly is at the bottom of the cigar.
    • The bottom of the cigar burns faster because fire needs oxygen to burn.
    • The slower burning part should quickly align with the rest of the cigar.
    • If the combustion remains uneven, try another method.
  2. Apply moisture to the wrapper to slow burn-off. If turning the quick-burn tip doesn't burn evenly, apply moisture to the wrapper where you want the burn to slow down. Put a little bit of saliva on your finger and then on the wrapper.
    • Do not soak the cigar with the saliva as it will ruin it.
    • Do not touch the tip of the cigar as it is very hot. Only touch the cover sheet.
  3. Let the uneven part burn. This is a drastic measure as you will lose some of the cigar, but it will give you an even burn. Use a match or lighter to burn the tip of the cigar until the uneven part falls off. The tip of the cigar will then be even and should now burn more evenly.
    • Use an ashtray to catch the uneven part.
    • Be careful not to let the hot glowing tip fall on you.

Part 3 of 3: Smoking the cigar

  1. Treat small and shallow puffs enjoy the cigar. Do not inhale smoke, but hold the smoke in your mouth for a few seconds to blow him off persecutors. You don't have to constantly take puffs either; taking a puff twice a minute keeps it burning.
  2. Let the ashes pile up until it is ready to fall. The ash of a cigar does not need to be tapped off until a bit has already built up on the tip. If you tap the ashes off too often, the cigar will go out. When ash builds up, lightly tap the cigar into an ashtray to drop the ashes.
  3. Relight the cigar if necessary. Especially in the last third, cigars often go out. If this happens, relight the cigar by holding it close to a lit match or lighter. Take puffs and spin the cigar until the entire tip glows again.
  4. Place the cigar in an ashtray when you are done. The cigar is finished when you have smoked two thirds of it. Leave the cigar in an ashtray until it goes out on its own. Cigars don't have to be expressed like cigarettes.


  • You are not supposed to inhale the smoke from the cigar.
  • Always be careful around flames and matches.
  • The sale and use of tobacco is restricted in many parts of the world. Before buying or smoking cigars, research local laws.
  • Cigars are not a healthy alternative to cigarettes or other tobacco products. Cigar smoke contains many harmful and cancer-causing chemicals. Be aware of the risks before you start smoking.


  • Cigar of your choice
  • Butane lighter or matches
  • Cigar cutter
  • Ashtray