How to excel in life

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 15 May 2024
Top 3 Keys To Excel In Life(Sure Success Tips)  by Denzel Washington
Video: Top 3 Keys To Excel In Life(Sure Success Tips) by Denzel Washington


Everyone has a different way of thinking about being outstanding in life. Perhaps you are an individual with many unique life experiences. These experiences influence how you think about yourself, your goals, your world, and your definition of success. Excellence in life doesn't always mean that your life will be like a smooth machine, overcoming all failures and achieving all your dreams. Be more realistic to think about what it means to you to excel in your life. Set goals for creativity, flexibility, confidence, and self-worth awareness. It is important that you understand that success means doing your best.


Part 1 of 4: Decide how much excellence you want

  1. Make a list of ideals and values ​​that you value. Think of the ideals, values, and morals that you consider important, which may include being a good friend or becoming healthy. Values ​​and ideals are the ideas about life that you think you should excel in. They differ from goals, because goals are more specific actions that you can accomplish.

  2. Make a list of all the ways to excel in your life. The first step is to understand what being excellence means to you, your values ​​and the lifestyle you want. It may take time to sort through all of these questions and to determine what it means to excel in life. Try to create the broadest definition of being outstanding in life: short term, long term, big dreams and small successes.
    • Have a journal or notebook dedicated to writing about your new vision of life and how you want to see yourself succeed. Start by making a list of all the ways you can excel in life, whether they are real or not. Write down your greatest desires up to the simplest things like washing dishes every day.
    • You may find that the definition of excellence in life can begin with small daily changes, whether it relates to personal health, finances, career goals, family, love. , personality, become kinder, or nurture friendships.

  3. Make a list of goals. Look at your list of ways you can excel. Then weigh the values ​​and ideals. Think how they fit together. What goals highlight your vision of life and the type of person you want to be? Start by assembling the ways you want to excel in one category, like your career goals, hobby goals, health goals, friends and family goals.
    • Then there are a categorization of long-term and short-term goals. Maybe you have a fitness goal to pursue 135kg weightlifting, or you have a career goal of becoming a journalist, or maybe you wash dishes every night.
  4. Prioritize some goals. Now that you are starting to understand what it means to be excellent, start prioritizing a few goals. What are the long-term goals that bring out the feeling of excellence in life? What goals can you practice every day to feel like you're living in a positive direction?
    • Excellence in life can be as simple as being a good country to everyone, becoming a more organized person, exploring bigger life opportunities like changing jobs, or making an effort to spend time with family and friends. raft.
    • The most important part of the definition of being excellent in life for you is that it matches who you really are and the life you desire.
  5. Find a role model to follow. Your journal will become your personal source of focus and inspiration. Perhaps you meet people who go through life and inspire you by their attitude, strength, and perseverance. Find a photo of these people or something that reminds you of them and stick it in your journal. Use them to inspire and remind yourself of what you crave.
    • You can also think of famous people, like musicians or athletes, who inspired you by their lives, their actions, or you admire and respect them. For example, the Dalai Lama has been a symbol of peace for decades, even in adversity. You don't have to become the Dalai Lama to remind yourself of his strength and attitude. This reminder can help you focus on the type of person you want to be and the life you want to be. Think of them as inspirational images.

Part 2 of 4: Pursuing your goals

  1. Be flexible with your goals. Allow your ideas to excel in life to change along the way. It may take a few trial and error to shape your life into an experience you think is excellent. Maybe you want to achieve something, like a high-powered career like a lawyer who works 80 hours a week. But what happens when you decide to get married? You will find that as your values ​​change, your goals will change to reflect those values ​​as well.
    • For example, you want to be a veterinarian. But as soon as you discover the educational and medical skills required, you realize you really don't want to work with animals that way. Use the journal, start exploring other careers related to animals. Perhaps you want to produce natural animal feed, work for an organization that treats animals, trains dogs, or keeps pets at home. Learning how to excel in life means seeing yourself in a realistic and flexible way to achieve your goals.
  2. Review your plan periodically. Don't limit yourself to making the changes you feel must fit into your definition of excellence in life. However, one of the most important factors for success in a fulfilling life is resilience.
    • Maybe you want to plan on watching a movie tonight for your family, but people can't agree, or the other members are busy with other plans. Basically, your goal for that day is unfulfilled. Perhaps your plans need to be revised by asking the family members what they want to do with more time with you. You will need to organize individual time with others instead of organizing group activities. Don't give up on your goals. Instead, adapt, transform and always go back to the beginning of your goal. Be resilient and focus on your goal to spend valuable time with your family.
  3. Don't underestimate the little things. Make a list of the little things that you can excel in each day. This will feel like you're approaching excellence. To be the dominant person in life is to appreciate yourself enough to know that you deserve a happy life.Besides career, money, family, YOU also have!
    • Excellence in life can mean trying to laugh more, trying to be a better person by treating everyone every day, starting a realistic exercise regimen, eating better, or exercising subjects like drawing, golf or dance. Living a real life like that, you will excel in life. Simple as that.
  4. Keep making a list of ways to excel. Use a journal, and try to make a list of ways to excel in life. Life is a journey and there is always a lot to explore. As you move forward and get more ideas about being brilliant, be flexible and listen to your intuition. Educate yourself about some of the goals you are trying to achieve and don't be afraid to redirect if you have new ideas and thoughts.
  5. Paste the goal reminders. Remind yourself of the position you want to achieve and the attitude you want to accomplish. Post notes or reminders at the office or at home.
    • Start collecting many words of encouragement on information cards to take with you. Collect quotes from online, books, movies, or from friends. This is very helpful when you feel frustrated or impatient. For example, saying, "Courage is the rarest thing for a talented person" can help you remember that living a fulfilling life can be difficult, but it proves that you are very brave.

Part 3 of 4: Build confidence and self-esteem

  1. Rewrite your positive qualities. To be outstanding, you have to want it. You will have to develop discipline, resilience, resilience, and effort. The easiest way to develop these traits is to learn to value yourself for your abilities, courage, values, and to appreciate your own existence. Engage in positive self-talk by rewriting your positive qualities in thinking of yourself. Add as many of them as possible.
    • Re-read the list each morning at the start of the day. You are the building block of your life, so if you are mentally and emotionally ready to strive for excellence in life, you need to cultivate confidence until you believe in yourself. . Congratulate yourself for your desire to create a great life.
  2. Change your perception of the negative aspects of your life. Perhaps you have received some negative comments before as a child, from your experience, or from the society in which you live. Those messages may be more ingrained in your mind than you might think.
    • Write down every negative thing you have heard, or thought about yourself. Take some time to look back at your list and start changing your outlook for the negative issues that may exist in your life. For example, everyone makes mistakes in their lives. Do you still feel guilty and ashamed of those mistakes? Has someone said that you are stupid or worthless when you are growing up? Are you still haunted by that word and let it stop you?
    • In order to excel in life, you must start to let go of negative statements and replace them with positive ones. An easy example of this is that most people will talk to themselves in a negative way. Let's say you accidentally dropped your key. What comes to your mind first? Perhaps thinking, "I'm stupid, I can't keep the keys." If you pay attention, you may find you are being harsh on yourself the whole day. In your quest to excel, you are the coach, the team, and the star player. You have to start treating yourself like someone who deserves the wonderful life you are creating.
  3. Encourage, create strength for yourself. A key factor in creating lasting, positive changes in your life is seeing yourself as a person of change. Take responsibility for who you are, what you do, and what you choose. Give yourself the right to choose, and understand that you will have to make a choice every day.
    • Remove the word "can't" from the vocabulary. "Can't" is a word that stops creativity and gets you stuck in your situation. But this word is often a substitute for a real meaning. For example, you could say, "I can't speak French". When you say "can't", it is assumed that you have no other solution. If you say you don't know how to do something, then you realize that you have a basis for the situation to change the way you think or act.
    • For example, you wake up and go to work every day… but is it MUST? Absolutely not. You can choose to go back to sleep and lose your job. Choosing always has consequences, but it's important to shift the focus from what you feel you're compelled to do to recognizing the choices you have in life. Will you choose to go to work? Yes, because you don't want the consequences of getting fired. That is still an option. You are an agent of change, and you choose every day. Give yourself the right to choose.
  4. Maintain a positive outlook. Do you think the glass is half or half full? Or is it just a glass with some water inside? Creating a life in which you feel good depends on your point of view. Along with your creativity, resilience and determination, your outlook on life and reality is also a decisive factor to help you feel like you are in control of your life.
    • Write down some examples of the most recent disappointments and how you feel about it. For example, your cupcake business isn't going well. So will this beat you? Does this mean that this life is against you making you never happy? Please look back at the statement you wrote down. They can be plain black and white statements like: “I will never get what I want. Nothing is according to my will ”.
    • Try reshaping these statements and accepting a new perspective. For example, instead of assuming you have failed, try to reshape that thought. Tell yourself, “Okay, there has to be another way to do business, something I can try to do, another way to buy, or maybe I need to explore another category. other business ”.
    • Try to see if you are closed to yourself and not absorbing new perspectives. In order to excel, you must see life in the direction you want to achieve and you will excel with a wealth of possibilities and healthy aspirations striving to explore those possibilities.

  5. Remind yourself that you are trying. It is important to remember to be nice and comfortable with yourself. To build resilience, self-esteem, and self-worth, you must feel strong in the face of failure. To maintain your determination to strive to excel in life, you need to have a clear mind and try your best to handle all situations.
    • Striving at all times, regardless of the outcome, will reduce stress and help you focus on things you can control. This gives you more strength, increases your control, and removes stress from things that are out of control. You did your best, and it was excellent.
    • Let's say your cupcake business isn't viable. If you explored all the options, embraced creative change, and really tried to sell cupcakes, you would be doing well. Even though you knew the bakery was a failure, you tried it, and it was a success. You practiced using your skills and talents, and it was a success. You tried something different. It was also a success.
    • Acknowledging that you've tried and focused on it as excellence rather than results will keep you going to challenge new things and strive for the life you want.

  6. Appreciate your situation. Effort is different for each person, depending on the date, the situation and the circumstances.If you are sick and do not have a project as expected, understand because you are sick. Either way you did the project, and in the sick situation, you did your best. That's all you can do, and doing your best is always the reason you feel great about yourself.

  7. Keep what you did best in a daily journal. Start journaling about the daily activities that you do best one day. Perhaps you had a hard day at work when you were misunderstood or blamed for doing something wrong. It's easy for yourself to feel embarrassed and embarrassed, but instead, honestly ask yourself, have I tried? Write down how you have shown an effort and how you have accomplished something differently. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Seeking support

  1. Stay with people who live positively. They are friends and family members who will always encourage and support you. Perhaps you have to reconsider all your personal relationships to decide who will accompany you in life and whether they will lift you up or pull you down. Please value yourself. Part of appreciating yourself is understanding that you deserve to be with healthy people and help others. Excellence in life is a pretty big goal, and it involves every aspect of relationships.
  2. Nurture relationships with people important to you. Excellence in life involves relationships that develop with the purpose of mutual support. Think about how to be a better friend, partner, or parent. Think about why you truly value these people in your life who love and help you.
    • This can help you rewrite your thoughts about them. Write about the support you receive from people in your life. Include how you want to best help and support them. That can help you identify specific ways to strengthen any relationship.
  3. Contribute to the community. Becoming a visionary, well-founded, and understanding person who always stands out in life means a lot of participation in the community. Show compassion and compassion. Learn how to express these qualities to others, which not only makes a difference for someone in need, but also benefits yourself through your self-awareness, your sense of the world. That helps you become a pioneer and more motivated.
    • Think about the areas of services that you might be interested in. You can volunteer in shelters, charity kitchens, extracurricular programs, humanitarian social projects or animal sanctuaries. Instead of volunteering with other skills, you can try skills in areas like website design, accounting, or tax preparation for nonprofits. There are many ways to help your community while building a life and people you are proud of.