How to be masculine

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 16 May 2024
How to Become MASCULINE in 7 Steps (Stop Being A WHIMP)
Video: How to Become MASCULINE in 7 Steps (Stop Being A WHIMP)


Masculinity is a quality that many people aspire to, but very few can achieve. Unfortunately, masculinity is not simply a skill that requires practice. Instead, it's a series of personalities that need to be developed for life. By honing your masculinity, you are making full use of all of your physical, mental, and emotional abilities. But you need to remember that - being manly is not easy, but it doesn't have to be - real men love the challenge.


Part 1 of 3: Becoming a Manly Man

  1. Maintain a balanced body. Men don't have to look like bodybuilders, but they need to take care of their bodies. Both men and women love a healthy and muscular body. If your body is not in balance, you should quickly set a time to exercise each day. Exercise will help you look fit and feel better. It can also help prevent depression, making it the right candidate to pursue other manly goals. Here are a few things you can take to develop your masculine look.
    • Lift the weight. Strength training exercises will help you build muscle and burn excess fat. Use the right technique and go slowly if you are just a beginner - you can hurt yourself if you don't follow the right steps.
      • If you are unsure how to train and you can afford it, you can hire a personal trainer. A coach will help you create an exercise regimen that suits your specific needs.
    • Manly men are aware of the image they want to portray - upright and deliberately walking. Standing upright can make you look confident and can even really make you feel feel more confident. Slouching poses, hunched over will make you look sullen and cowering.
    • If your body has a lot of fat, you should go on a diet. Diet doesn't make you girly. It helps you to be more responsible for yourself. Losing weight will lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems in the future.

  2. Take responsibility. The real man won't shirk the test or avoid duty. Instead, they are very trustworthy and responsible. If the other person feels that they can trust you, you will quickly learn to trust yourself, and this can increase your confidence. Responsibility comes in many forms, depending on the role you play. Here are some areas of your life that may require accountability:
    • If you are a husband or father, you need to be the backbone of the family. For example, you might be the main responsibility for parenting and / or household balance.
    • If you are a boyfriend, be a mature and reliable boyfriend. Proactively plan dates and outings without waiting for your girlfriend to ask. Always ready to be a solid spiritual support every time your lover needs.
    • If you own a particular career, you should be fully committed to it. Take on difficult projects, even if it means you'll have to go home later or work overtime sometimes. Be someone your boss can trust - you'll earn a lot of respect (and this will also help ensure that you won't be unemployed!).
    • Imitating the typical masculinity, they excel in career and family life, whether they are friends you know or are famous heroes.

  3. Become physically strong. This is quite the interesting part! Manly men are pretty confident about sex - they know they are the sexiest in the bedroom, so they won't make themselves stupid by trying too hard. Instead, they approach someone they feel is attracted to calmly and confidently and use their charming, friendly personality to divert casual conversation into flirting. Manly guys will be pretty straightforward about what they want, but they're not rude or arrogant. They love to have fun, but they always remember that they are also human beings with physiological needs and wants.
    • If you are single, you should cultivate your physiological confidence. Try to be active in flirting conversation and in the bedroom. Do not place heavy feelings on a vague relationship!
    • If you are an experienced person, simply start by going out more. Don't be scared to talk to someone attractive you meet - if you are attracted to each other, you can get closer to them, and if not, you will still be able to thrive. confident communication skills.
    • You can apply these factors to any serious relationship you have. Maintain your confidence around your wife or girlfriend - surprise her by seducing her just like when you seduce someone you just met for the first time.

  4. Improve mental health. A common misconception is that manly men usually have no other feelings but anger. This is completely wrong thinking. Men possess a variety of emotions - happiness, sadness, regret, contentment, and any other emotion. However, true men often do not lose control of their emotions. He will never allow himself to be so angry that he forgets his responsibility. He does what he needs to do to make sure his emotions are ready to take responsibility for governing his life.
    • Honesty will reflect your emotional state - Have you had some irrational emotional experience? You need to deal with your weakness directly. Talk to a friend or a counselor to change your emotional state for the better.
    • Men and women both experience clinical depression, but a depressed man is more likely to commit suicide. Depression can also cause men to neglect their families and careers. If you are depressed, you need to Seek medical help. Pretending everything is fine is not manly.
  5. Cultivate your understanding. Masculine boys are not only attractive, strong - they're also very skillful. They don't have to be a "book-smart" guy, but they need to be open to learning throughout their lives. Manly people have their own opinions about everything, but their views won't be fully informed if they aren't open to learning. Regardless of your education level, be as smart as you can be - it will help you negotiate in business, defuse family disputes, make better decisions. , and most importantly, make it possible for you to live a fuller and more fulfilling life.
    • Form a personal interest! It's never too late to start learning how to play an instrument or learning a new language.
    • Join the discussion! Learning to be able to argue effectively is an important skill in all areas of life.
    • Take classes at your local community college. You will be able to find your new passion.
    • If you do something wrong, you should admit it and move on. You won't be able to learn anything from stubbornly refusing to change your own mindset.
  6. Develop precious relationships with everyone around them. Men should have confidence in being alone, but they shouldn't be lonely. Cultivating a positive social life is a great action for your career aspirations (building a social network is a great way for job placement), and it's also a great way to meet your needs. remove other single people. Also, it's just plain fun. Right now, go out into society and meet other people!
    • Look for leadership roles in organizations. You will meet a lot of people and win their respect.
    • Join a sports team. Sports are a great way to improve your social and well-being.
    • Set aside softness, this is the most emotionally intimate form, for your relationship, but be the tough person that the emotional rich can rely on.
  7. Be a different person. Manly men may view certain people as role models, but they will not aspire to be anyone else but themselves. Be unique - don't run into fads. Nurture your own style and people will never confuse you with others. The way you dress, talk, and behave will leave a lasting impression on others. You need to make sure they give a lasting impression.
    • Never agree with someone just to get along with them. A manly person is a person who believes in himself, and does not hesitate to politely disagree with others when necessary.
    • Do the things you enjoy without having to worry about what others think. For example, do you like knitting? If so, you can strive to be the most manly knitted man in the world.

Part 2 of 3: Maintaining masculinity

  1. Maintain your own health. Don't oversleep on victory - keep exercising every day, even if it's just to maintain the progress you've made. A healthy, solid body will help you easily cope with other areas of your life. You will have a lot of energy to work, play, and love like a real man.
    • Enjoy your new strength and vitality, but don't pay too much attention to them. Don't be overly proud or boastful unless it's for good humorous purposes - this is a sign of a desperate desire to be seen by others, not confidence.
    • Pay attention to the foods you use. Monitor the calories you consume and avoid unhealthy foods.
  2. Develop your curiosity. An obstinate stubborn attitude is often confused with masculinity. In fact, you become more masculine when actively seeking new experiences - you can't strive to develop yourself if you never want to step out of your comfort zone. . Try new things, as long as you do them safely. This will help broaden your horizons. You will begin to realize what you like and dislike. You will discover skills that you did not think you possessed. You will become more interesting in the eyes of your friends and more attractive in the eyes of women.
    • Be open in building relationships with different types of people. Talk to people - you may find that people with different perspectives on life can provide more information about your own.
    • Responsible at the company as well as at home. For example, even if you find out that you're not that good at paying bills in the house, the process itself is a gift to help you learn.
  3. Challenge yourself every day. "Manliness" is not an easy thing to do. It is the quality that marks hard work and struggle. Teddy Roosevelt, one of the most masculine men on earth, has struggled for years to overcome weakness in health and achieve masculinity. By overcoming the hurdle, you'll get closer to being manly. Face the difficulties in life firsthand!
    • Usually, the biggest obstacle may be through day-to-day work-life balance between work and family. In this case, the challenge you face might be something as simple as going to bed early so you can wake up early and send your child to school. Just because these challenges are not something noble doesn't mean they aren't difficult!
    • Looking for a new challenge. If your career and family life isn't a problem for you, you can create a new challenge for yourself! You can sign up for a marathon.
  4. Enjoy the competition. You are not the most manly man in the world - over time, you will want to compete with someone who is confident, strong, and confident in others. Show your best - a genuine competition is a great opportunity to test the masculine skills you've worked hard to build. Even if you do not win, you will be able to learn, and you will be better prepared to be successful against another perfect man in the future.
    • If you win, be a polite champion. Shake the opponent's hand, make eye contact with him, and never show a gloomy attitude. Looking back at the good qualities that helped you win as well as the things that made it difficult for you.
    • If you lose, lose like a man. Never retreat before the fight ends, even if your chances of victory are low. Don't complain or make excuses. Instead, try to find out why you lost so you can spend more time practicing these areas.
  5. On top of that, you should strive to be as good a man as possible in all areas of your life. No one is perfect - even the most manly man will make mistakes and face many difficulties. Adversity is not a reason to give up. Try to be confident, masculine, even if it's beyond your means. Remember, humans do not possess masculinity from birth. It is a quality that you gain through hard work, overcoming difficulties, and sacrifice. When doubting yourself, remember that some of the most masculine men go through dark times in their lives. You can refer to a few examples below:
    • John Wayne, an epitome of American Masculinity, once struggled to overcome three unhappy marriages and his cancerous karma. However, he remained manly until the very end.
    • Before becoming Rocky, Sylvester Stallone was an actor on the brink of despair and struggles. For three weeks, he was homeless, sleeping at the New York Harbor Authority bus stop until he got his first role - in an "adult" movie. He only became famous a few years later.
    • Mr. T (Mr. T- American actor and retired professional boxer) had a very difficult life before becoming famous. He grew up in one of the worst housing projects in Chicago and was kicked out of college after just a year, serving as a guardian and defender for many years before earning his first role. first.

Part 3 of 3: Living like a Real Man

  1. Treat women with respect. Whether you are dating that girl or not, treat her like a gentleman. This doesn't mean you have to act in the same polite manner as in the old days (like pulling a chair for her to sit). Instead, it means that you should give her the respect and goodwill you have for your serious co-worker. Listen when she talks. Respect her views, even if you disagree with them. Most importantly, you must treat her equally - because she deserves it.
    • There is no need to be overly attentive towards her. Many women also love the same vulgar humor as men. Laughing at a woman (even if you use the most obscene jokes) is not disrespectful - it shows that in your eyes she is so equal to you that you can freely express it. my feeling. Get to know her personality first, and then, if she also seems to be teasing, don't hesitate to make a little joke.
    • However, you should avoid using sexual insults like "bastard", even if you just want to have fun. Using these words regularly will make it easier to form bad habits and even your intentions will be more easily misunderstood. A manly guy doesn't hurt someone else's feelings on the basis of his gender.
    • Never treat women roughly - this is one of the least masculine acts you can do.
  2. You should also treat men with respect. Respecting male friends is easy. But it can be difficult to respect the geek in the office, who often breathes his breath over your shoulder. Manly people will respect both. The man is manly never bully or humiliate others. They also do not participate in gossiping. Anything that you scold your son for is not done while playing, you should also avoid doing it in the adult world.
    • At times, the annoying person is completely unaware of their distractions. If someone in the office has bad breath, see them in person for a few minutes and recommend that they take some mint. Don't tease them in front of everyone during lunch. There is no reason you can make others suffer for something they don't even know.
    • Sometimes, life requires you to compete with other men. You should compete with your best, but you also need to remember that they are not bad guys just because they are playing against you. They deserve your respect even if you are trying to surpass them.
  3. Be ambitious (but don't be greedy). You should work hard to be successful at work and enjoy the rewards you get through your own hard work, but never your integrity or family for wealth. material. The happiness money can do is just a fraction of what a happy home and family can offer you. Act in an ethical manner toward your business relationships. Be competitive, but don't be someone who likes to "stab behind" others - a manly person who never tramples on others to rise.
    • Your integrity has also been a bonus. Your colleagues and superiors will notice your hard work. You will earn respect at work and more importantly, you won't have to fear being unemployed.
    • Looking for new assignments at work, but the road is so addicted to work that you neglect yourself or your family. If the extra work you do means you won't have time to see your kids before bed, skip it.
  4. Become the breadwinner of the family. Your family must be at the forefront - before your career and even yourself. This responsibility will grow if you have children. Remember to spend time with your family, even if you are very busy at work. They will give your love back. Take your kids to visit their grandparents. Occasionally, spend weekends on the beach. Attend your child's sports matches and performances at school. The time you spend nurturing your love in your family will be the happiest time you'll ever remember as you get older.
    • A survey of over 1,000 UK parents found that they value family time more than material possessions. If you have the chance to choose between a part-time job on the weekend to save money on a new car and spend that time with your family, choose what makes you happier.


  • Speak up to protect yourself and your friends.
  • Don't let others get you over; You can find "The Manipulated Man" and "The Myth of Manpower".
  • Become a person who is ethical, loyal, honest, humble, generous, strong, supportive, helpful, and considerate.
  • Painful or mistreating a woman or child is cowardly and extremely damaging, whether physically, morally or sexually. Manly men will know how to distinguish between strength and abuse, and will discern their limits. If the other person tells you that you are not restrained, try to improve yourself: this is the line to classify the most respectable from the most despicable.
  • Protect the person you love.
  • Some good moral qualities to emulate include: trustworthy, loyal, friendly, polite, kind, obedient, cheerful, frugal, brave, clean, and respectable. You must be available to help others at all times, to maintain physical health, mental clarity and moral integrity.
  • Emulates role models and typical masculine heroes, celebrities or close friends.
  • A strong man will stand up to protect himself, but a stronger man will stand up to protect everyone.
  • Respect yourself and let go of your ego. See the world around you and yourself as it is. Ignore things you have no control over. Control yourself because you are the only one loyal to your own world.
  • Remember to stay away from nonsense and immature, do the right things as a man who is there to protect yourself and do good, not bad, deeds.


  • Be a real man, don't be Neanderthals (ancient people): constantly remind yourself that a manly man is delicate and thoughtful for others.
  • Do not use steroids.
  • Many cultures and rating systems view some masculine behavior as inappropriate or even illegal. When acting in a manly manner, always remember to ask yourself if your personality agrees with your actions. Being less masculine is not a bad thing if it can help you become a better human being.