How to pamper your cat

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 17 May 2024
How to Make Your Cat Happy – 10 Tips for a Content Cat
Video: How to Make Your Cat Happy – 10 Tips for a Content Cat


The cat breeder is responsible for ensuring the basic needs of the pet, such as high quality water and food, preparing a warm and comfortable resting place, as well as taking them to see the vet each. once a year. However, to look after a cat, you need to do more than that. By pampering your pets, you can bond with them. You can also get creative (and try to spend more) taking care of cats above basic needs.


Method 1 of 2: Pamper the cat

  1. Make a habit of brushing your cat. Your pet will enjoy the rhythmic movement of brushing from front to back. In addition to being a way to pamper your cat, grooming also has a number of benefits such as stimulating the skin, clearing the hair, spreading natural oils on the coat and preventing messy hair.
    • If this is the first time brushing your cat, do this for a short time (5 to 10 minutes). You can extend the amount of time your cat gets used to letting you brush.
    • Every cat may like a particular brush, so try a variety of brushes to find the one they like best.
    • Brush your cat when you are both comfortable. If you're stressed, or your pet feels restless, neither of you will like this grooming.
    • Short-haired cats do not need to brush as much (once a week) than long-haired cats (once a day).
    • Be extra careful when brushing the cat's chest and belly.

  2. Spend quiet time with your pet. Cats love peace and quiet. By sharing a peaceful time with your cat, you will both be comfortable and relaxed. Try gently petting the cat while it is resting on your lap. Be careful not to petting your stomach, as your cat may view this as an attack and respond by bending or biting you.

  3. Have plenty of room to sleep for your cat. Cats love to sleep! You can pamper your pet by providing a comfortable place to rest in the house. Ideal places should be in a quiet area that doesn't have a lot of distracting furniture.
    • Set up a sleeping area with a cushion, such as a cat mattress or rug. You can buy these at the pet store.

  4. Have plenty of scratching posts for your cat. Clawing is an important part of your cat's overall health. In addition to helping the nails to be evenly sharpened, this is also the physical activity that allows them to stretch their muscles. The presence of multiple scratching areas will keep your cat happy and busy when you cannot play with them.
    • Try buying a scratching post in a variety of materials (xidan, corrugated cardboard, carpet) and in different directions (vertical and horizontal). This difference in texture and direction will create a variety of variations in your cat's scratching behavior.
    • Place the scratching post in the backgammon area to reduce the distance between scratching positions.
    • The scratching post should be sturdy, tall enough or long (about 60 cm) for the cat to stretch its entire body when scratching.
    • Do not throw away the scratching post when you feel it is old and damaged. Actually, this is exactly what your pet wants!
    • A treehouse is also a pampering toy for cats. You can buy them at your local pet store.
  5. Give your cat a variety of toys. Having a pet play with a toy or two is not enough to indulge them. Therefore, you must provide your cat with lots of toys. Fortunately, you don't have to spend a lot of money to buy pet toys. You can provide toys alternately (about once a week) so they don't have to play the same toy for long.
    • To stimulate your cat's hunting instinct, try storing toys in different parts of the house.
    • For added surprise, you can download some cat games for them to play on your tablet.
  6. Add creativity to your cat play time. Your pets can play on their own, but they still need a lot of communication with you. Finding creative activities during playtime can be a fun and enjoyable experience for both of you. For example, you could hide behind a chair and stick your head out until the cat sees you. After seeing them, immediately hide and wait until the cat quietly appears beside you. This activity simulates how they hunt their prey.
    • You can also turn on the dim lights during play to mimic the tendency to operate naturally in the dark.
    • Try to play with the cat for 10 to 15 minutes, twice a day
  7. Make a cat's visual experience enjoyable. A simple way to do it is to have a comfortable bird perched near your window. Cats can enjoy long hours of entertainment by looking out the window, depending on the view out from the house. If you have a yard, you can place a bird feeder or bird bath in the yard so the cat can watch the birds fly.
    • You can also play a cat video for your pet to see while you're away from home. The videos may include cat's typical prey (rodents and birds).
  8. Offer your cat delicious treats once in a while. Treats are one way to pamper your cat. However, you should not give your cat treats every day for a number of reasons. First, junk food is often very nutritious (or not nutritious). Second, if you feed your cat daily treats, he or she will prefer snacking rather than eating meals.
    • Offer your cat treats up to two to three times a week.
    • Do not give your cat human treats.
    • Catnip and feline grass are nutritious pet snacks and can be found at your local pet store.
    • Do not let your cat beg for treats. This is bad behavior and should not be encouraged by feeding or paying more attention.

Method 2 of 2: Pamper your old cat

  1. Place multiple cleaning trays around the house. Older cats can have difficulty walking, so they may have trouble accessing their litter box. In addition, older cats may have urinary problems that prevent them from getting to the litter box in time. Place litter boxes in areas where cats hang out often to avoid getting messed up in the wrong place.
    • A litter box with a low edge makes it easier for older cats to get in and out.
  2. Keep fit and stress-free. In addition to reduced mobility, older cats may experience impaired vision and hearing. This can make them feel unsafe with their ability to move around in their area. By maintaining a proper eating and playing schedule, you can help your cat feel more secure and comfortable in her area.
  3. Massage your old cat. By massaging your old cat, you can help relax her stiff muscles and joints and stimulate blood circulation. In addition, massage can also help your cat feel closer to you. Feeling connectedness is a very important aspect for older cats. In addition, during the pet's massage you can check the body condition and detect lumps if any to see the vet.
    • Gently and carefully massage your old cat.
    • Massage your cat with your fingers using a small diameter circular motion. Begin to massage the back ear and gradually move towards the neck. Then continue to massage the back.
    • Avoid massaging any areas that may cause pain in your cat.
  4. Groom your old cat. With stiff muscles and joints, older cats are less likely to be sanitized than they used to be. Use a soft brush when grooming your cat, as the skin of older cats is usually more sensitive than the skin of younger cats.
    • Trim your old cat's claws, if they allow you to. A cat's claw may need to be cut as often (every few weeks) if it is unable to use the scratching post as much as it used to. Cut the nail just above the spacer containing the blood vessels running to the center of the nail.
    • Cat's claws will often bend down on the soles of their paws when they grow too long, making your pet uncomfortable. Start clipping your cat's claws when he notices that he is no longer using the scratching post to avoid overgrown claws.
  5. Change your cat's food. Older cats have different nutritional needs from small cats. When your cat is 7 to 9 years old, switch to an older cat diet instead of an adult cat diet. With this change, your cat can absorb the right balance.
    • Switch to new foods in 5 days: day 1 (20% new food, 80% old food), day 2 (40% new food, 60% old food), day 3 (60% new food, 40% old food), 4th day (80% new food, 20% old food), 5th day (100% new food).
    • Cats may also need a dietary supplement (e.g., probiotics, fatty acids), depending on their health.
    • Consult with your veterinarian before changing your cat's food.
  6. Add extra cushions to your cat's resting place. They will feel satisfied with extra padding while they sleep. In addition to joint pain, your cat may also lose some muscle mass that makes it uncomfortable to sleep. advertisement


  • There are many ways to pamper your cat. Enjoy fun and creativity by caring for your pet even more.
  • If you want to pamper your cat while traveling, you can take them to a spa or luxury cat hotel.
  • If you find it difficult to trim your old cat's claws, let your veterinarian or cleaning staff do the work.
  • A horizontal scratching post may be suitable for older cats who still have the ability to scratch but have difficulty using a vertical scratching post.


  • Using food to pamper your cat can lead to obesity, a very serious illness that can lead to many other diseases (eg arthritis, diabetes, heart disease). Therefore, you should talk with your veterinarian to determine the right amount of pet food.