How to clean vomit on a carpet

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 15 May 2024
How to clean vomit off of carpet
Video: How to clean vomit off of carpet


It's unbelievable - someone in the house or any pet has vomited the carpet! However, cleaning up vomit, stains, and the smell of vomiting is not too difficult. Even if you don't have a carpet cleaner or baking soda in your home, you can still remove dirt.


Part 1 of 4: Clear the vomit

  1. Wear latex gloves or disposable gloves. You need to wear gloves to prevent dirt from getting on your hands. The gloves not only keep you from getting stained by that terrible thing, but also protect you from germs.

  2. Scoop up the vomit as much as possible. As soon as the floor becomes soiled, immediately grab a scraper or a flat object to scoop up a solid portion of the vomit onto a trash shovel or plastic bag.
  3. Gather up the vomit area with a cloth or paper towel. Another way to clear up the vomit is to collect it with a towel. After you've gathered all you can in the towel, put the towel in the washing machine. You can also clear up the vomit with a tissue instead of a cloth and throw it directly in the trash.
    • One thing to keep in mind when washing towels in the washing machine: if solids are present in the vomit, they can become trapped in the machine.

  4. Cut a few pieces of cardboard to scoop up the vomit. Use a paper box containing a cake or a notebook cover to scoop it up. Slip the cover under the thickest part of the vomit and throw it in the trash. Cut two pieces of cardboard, and use one to move the vomit on the other to replace the broom and shovel to collect the trash.
  5. Use a plastic bag. Turn a plastic bag over your hand to make gloves and collect the vomit as much as possible. After that, you can turn the bag back on and tie the straps tight. Throw the bag in the trash.
    • Make sure the bag does not puncture so that the vomit doesn't get on your hands.

  6. Use scooping up the vomit. Another way to clear vomit on carpet is with a spatula. Slide the flat edge of the spatula underneath the vomit and scoop up from the carpet. You can also scoop with a spoon.
    • Do not use a spatula. The vomit will get through the opening and fall.
    • Disinfect the spoon or spatula after touching the vomitus.
  7. Cover the vomit with sand. As soon as someone vomits the carpet, cover the vomit with sand. Allow the sand to clump with the vomit, then use a broom and shovel to scavenge the trash.
  8. Do not rub the carpet. Whatever you use to clear up vomit on the carpet, don't rub it on the carpet. The pressure when you clear the vomit can push the dirt into the carpet fibers, and the task will be twice as difficult.
    • The use of a towel can cause the vomit to press against the carpet. Using a flat object like a spatula, cover or a razor to scoop will help prevent this.

Part 2 of 4: Drying water

  1. Sprinkle baking soda over the vomit. Baking soda is a great way to get rid of dirt left behind by vomit. It dries out the remaining liquid and lumps into a lump. Pour a lot of baking soda over the stain, let it sit for 10-15 minutes or until the lumps start to dry, then vacuum up with a vacuum cleaner. Repeat as needed.
    • If the vomit has a lot of solid mass, try sprinkling baking soda over the dirt and leaving it on overnight. The baking soda will soak into the vomit and lump up.
    • Use the tip of a vacuum cleaner instead of the regular brush tip.
  2. Use cornstarch to dry wet areas. Another way to dry the remaining moisture from your vomit is to sprinkle with cornstarch. Remember to cover the stain. Wait for the cornstarch to dry for about 10-15 minutes, then use a vacuum cleaner with a straw to suck it clean.
  3. Use a clean rag and warm water to clean the rest. Spray or pour water over the stain, then blot with a clean rag. Do not rub the carpet so that any remaining debris will not be pushed deeper into the carpet. Once the rag is wet, remove another clean rag and continue blotting.
    • When absorbing water, you should press your hand a little hard to absorb a lot of water. Remember to press hard, do not rub
    • Use a white rag to avoid patterns or dyes on the towels getting on the carpet.
    • You can use a paper towel instead of a clean rag.

Part 3 of 4: Cleaning stains

  1. Use soda water. Fill a spray bottle with soda water or simply pour it directly onto the carpet. Use a clean rag to press on the dirt to absorb the water until the stain is gone. Pour more soda water and pat it back with a clean, dry towel if necessary.
  2. Use dry cleaning solvents. You can spray dry cleaning solvent (such as Dryel) on a clean rag, then blot the stain until the solvent is completely absorbed.
  3. Use vinegar. Mix 1 min of vinegar with one part cold water in a spray bottle. Spray a lot of vinegar solution on the dirt. Wait 15 minutes for the vinegar to soak, then use a clean, dry cloth to absorb the vinegar.
    • After most of the vinegar has been absorbed, you can rub the dirt with a stiff brush until the stain begins to come off. Use a dry towel to blot the stain again.
    • You can also add 5 drops of refined essential oil to a spray bottle to drown out the smell and 8 drops of "thieves essential oil" that are said to kill 99% of the bacteria.
    • You can use either white vinegar or apple cider vinegar in this step.
    • Do not rub a rag on the carpet.
    • Don't spray too much. You need to cover the stain, but not soak the carpet.
  4. Try hydrogen peroxide. Mix 1 part hydrogen peroxide with 1 part water or dish soap. Pour the mixture onto the mat and let it sit for 30 minutes. Use a rag to gently scrub the foam, then blot with a dry towel.
    • Water the stain to rinse the soap. You need to rinse the soap off your carpet, as it can pick up dirt.
  5. Make your own carpet cleaning solution. Mix 2 cups warm water, 1 tablespoon salt, ½ cup white vinegar, 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid or colorless laundry detergent, and 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol. Use a sponge to dab the solution on the stain, then blot with a clean, dry cloth until no longer wet.
    • Make sure to rinse the water again after the stain is gone. Spray the area with water and pat dry with a towel. Repeat 2-3 times.
  6. Use the carpet or fabric cleaning product according to the instructions on the bottle. You can use a stain remover. A good product to try is a pet enzyme stain remover or car seat cushion. Be sure to use the correct instructions on the bottle.
  7. Use a carpet cleaner. For stains that are difficult to clean, consider using a carpet cleaner. You can use a wet vacuum cleaner to remove dirt if your home has one. If not, you can look for carpet washers to rent out.
  8. Try ammonia. Mix 1 tablespoon of ammonia with 1 cup of water, then spray or water the mixture over the stain. Dab the ammonia on the stain with a towel or sponge, then rinse with water and pat dry with a towel.
    • Do not use ammonia if you have pets. The smell of ammonia could attract them to come and pee there.
  9. Remove stains with an iron. Spray a mixture of 2 parts water and 1 part white vinegar onto the stain. Apply a white, damp washcloth to the stain. Turn the iron on steam mode and stay in the area for 30 seconds, repeating as many times as necessary. The stain will change from a carpet to a rag.
    • Don't leave the iron in one place for too long - the towel can be scorched. Instead, gently slide the iron back and forth over the stained area.
    • Never be directly onto the carpet. You should always place a towel on the carpet to be. Otherwise, your carpet is at risk of fire.

Part 4 of 4: Deodorizing

  1. Sprinkle with baking soda. After removing the stain, sprinkle a lot of baking soda over the cleaned area. Baking soda is an alkaline substance that helps neutralize the acid present in the vomit. It also helps in deodorizing instead of just drowning.
    • Leave baking soda on the carpet overnight and suck it out the next morning. This step will also help absorb the remaining moisture.
  2. Vinegar spray. Mix equal amounts of vinegar and water, then spray or water the area that smells bad. The vinegar solution will remove odors or at least reduce unpleasant odors. The downside to vinegar is that it also leaves behind the vinegar smell.
  3. Spray deodorant. Buy deodorant sprays like Febreze or Renuzit. Choose a deodorant instead of a room fragrance. Herbal or floral room scent sprays will only drown the scent, sometimes even mixing vomit into an even more tolerable smell. Deodorant sprays can help you get rid of bad odors. advertisement


  • If the vomit is dry, you can suck in large chunks, then dampen the area with water. Continue to treat like new vomit.
  • You may need to combine many of the methods above. Try cleaning with vinegar or soap, then sprinkle with baking soda mixed with water.
  • After you vacuum up your vomit, change the garbage bag or clean the machine to prevent bacteria and odors.
  • Before using any of the above products to clean the carpet, you should pre-test a small spot on the carpet for 5-10 minutes to make sure the carpet does not discolor.