Apply lipstick

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 15 May 2024
How to Apply Lipstick Tutorial // Back to Basics Makeup Tutorials // Rebecca Shores MUA
Video: How to Apply Lipstick Tutorial // Back to Basics Makeup Tutorials // Rebecca Shores MUA


By applying lipstick you make your lips bigger, bold and sexy. Do you like fiery red colors, deep purple hues or soft pink and neutral? Whichever color you choose, there is a lot more to applying lipstick than just opening the box and smearing it on your lips. Learn how to get beautiful full lips in just a few steps.

To step

Method 1 of 3: The Preparation

  1. Take a good look at your skin tone. You will be much happier with the result if you have a good understanding of which colors and types of lipstick suit your skin tone and skin type. When choosing your lipstick, consider the following factors:
    • Think carefully about the color. If you have a dark skin tone, it is best to choose a bold color that contrasts nicely with your skin. If you have fair skin, a light pink or neutral color will stand out enough. If you have an average skin tone, light purple, light brown or light red will suit you well.
    • Watch your skin type. If you have dry skin, don't choose a matte lipstick as it can dry out your lips. In any case, try to choose a lipstick that contains a good lip conditioner.
    • Let your taste weigh in your choice. Ultimately, wearing lipstick is meant to be fun and a bit challenging too. If you love wearing a bright red lipstick, then go for it. If you apply it properly, you are assured of a lot of admiring looks.
  2. Exfoliate your lips. Applying lipstick to dry and chapped lips won't get it on evenly and create the wrong kind of attention. Try rubbing your lips gently with a toothbrush or a mixture of sugar and water. Use the mixture as a scrub and rub it on your lips for about 20 seconds.
  3. Use a lip pencil. Use a lip pencil to draw the outline of your lips. Draw the contours of your lips from the outside to the center, carefully following the line. This makes your lips look pronounced.
    • Choose a neutral lip pencil. This color should be about the same as the natural color of your lips.
    • Lip pencil can also be used as a base. Fill in your lips completely with the lip pencil before applying your lipstick: the lipstick will then last longer.
  4. Apply lip balm. This final step will help your lips not to dry out from the lipstick you applied. Use a clear lip balm or a little petroleum jelly.

Method 2 of 3: Applying the Lipstick

  1. Put on the lipstick. Hold the lipstick to your lips and gently apply it within the lines you drew with your lip pencil. Start at the center of your lips and work the lipstick outwards so that you fill in all the space.
    • If you want to apply the lipstick more precisely, you can use a lipstick brush.
    • If you accidentally go outside the lines of your lip pencil, you can wipe off the excess lipstick with a tissue.
    • Look in the mirror to see if you filled in the lines correctly. Applying your lipstick without a mirror can cause strange results.
  2. Deepen the color. After you've applied the first layer of lipstick, you can apply more if you want. However, keep in mind that with lipstick, less is more. Because greasy lips not only look unattractive but also tend to stick to everything.
  3. Blot your lips with a tissue. Open your lips and bite into the tissue to remove the excess lipstick. This also ensures that you fix the lipstick.
  4. Ready.

Method 3 of 3: Try Classic Variants

  1. Create thin lips like Marlene Dietrich. This chic feminine style was popular in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s and is a perfect style for a themed evening or for evenings when you want to try something new. Using your lip pencil, follow the contours of your lips from the center outwards, but stop before you reach the corners of your mouth. Fill in the lines of your lip pencil with a bright red lipstick. Complete the look with a 1930's curly hairstyle.
  2. Make your lips extra large. Create this style when you go out for a night - it might be a bit too intense for the day. Use your lip pencil to draw the lip contour about half an inch around your lips. Fill in the space within the lines with any lipstick you like. Apply a layer of transparent lip gloss on top to make your lips stand out even more.
  3. Go for the Gothic look. This style was popular in the 90's and is coming back again. Choose a dark lipstick such as burgundy or deep red. Find a lip pencil that is a few shades darker than the lipstick. Use your lip pencil to clearly draw the contours of your lips and color them in with the dark red lipstick. Combine this style with a Gothic outfit and ditto hairstyle.


  • Always have your lip pencil, lipstick, and lip gloss with you in case your lipstick has come off or to quickly touch up your lips.
  • Highlight your cupid's bow with a white eye pencil and make sure you blend well with the skin around. This makes your lips look fuller.
  • After applying the lipstick, dab your lips with a tissue that you applied foundation powder on. Remove the tissue and put on lipstick again. This will keep your lipstick on longer.
  • You don't always need color. Natural lips (so with transparent lip gloss or a lip pencil or lipstick in the color of your lips) can be great for a day out and may be the color that suits you best.


  • If you are planning to kiss, always check afterwards to see if your lipstick has smeared or if you have stained your partner's clothes!
  • Do not try to put on intense bold colors such as purple, orange, or neon colors. Not many people can get away with this and unless you are absolutely certain that you are one of those people, don't!


  • Lipstick
  • A mirror
  • Lip pencil
  • Lip balm