Training Beagles

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 15 May 2024
How To Train A BEAGLE To Listen & Behave
Video: How To Train A BEAGLE To Listen & Behave


If you're looking for a good-humored, active dog, you'll usually end up with a beagle. The fun, energy and good humor of beagles make them a popular choice for many dog ​​owners. But beagles also have a very strong will of their own. Since they also have a lot of energy, this means that it is very important to train your beagle to be a good pet.

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Part 1 of 3: You broke motivation

  1. Expect your beagle to have an active temperament. They naturally have a lot of energy and a good nose. They are descended from working dogs that are used to following scent trails when hunting. This also means that they think independently rather than rely on their owner for directions. If your beagle is not being used for hunting then it is important that you train your dog.
    • Beagles also like to use their voice and often bark when enthusiastic. Good training and plenty of exercise are important to prevent this from becoming a problem.
    • Commit yourself to regular training sessions (at least twice a day) as long as it takes to train your beagle successfully. Don't get discouraged and don't give up.

    Take charge and be patient. A beagle likes to see himself as a leader, which can be disastrous for the inexperienced dog trainer. You have to take a strong lead so that the dog believes he has to obey your commands. Always use positive reinforcement training methods instead of punishment. Your beagle may be a little absent, so keep in mind that training a beagle will take longer than other more impressionable dogs like Labradors or border collies.

  2. You train broke all day long. Don't just reinforce commands during training sessions. Your beagle will be more successful if you work with him on commands all day long.
    • For example, you can insist that he sit before you put down his food bowl, or sit on the sidewalk before crossing the street. If the dog isn't listening, don't take the action. So if he doesn't sit down for the food, put it away. Let him sit and then take out the food bowl.
    • If he refuses to sit on the sidewalk, walk back a few steps, approach the sidewalk again, and ask again.
    • If you really have to cross and he still refuses, walk back. Then go forward again and cross over, but don't ask your dog to sit now.
  3. Motivate your broke with food and praise. Food is a powerful beagle motivator and some dogs are also highly motivated by attention and praise. Use food rewards as part of your reward-based training and give a treat immediately when the dog responds. When your dog starts to respond regularly, you can go back to a reward for every fourth or fifth success.
    • Give your beagle good quality commercial dog treats, with few fillers. Or boiled lean meat or baked potato in small pieces.
  4. Exercise your beagle regularly. Because beagles are high-energy dogs, it can be more difficult to train if they would rather run than listen to your instruction. Let your broke out for an hour twice a day so that he gets a lot of exercise. This will burn off some of his energy and make him more receptive to you as a trainer.
    • You can throw the ball or go for a run with your dog on a leash.
    • Remember, this breed is capable of running all day, so going for a walk twice a day won't exhaust him.

Part 2 of 3: Teaching basic commands

  1. Teach your dog to sit. Get your beagle's attention by holding a treat in your hand. Show the treat, but don't give it to him. Instead, hold it in front of his nose, between your finger and thumb. Once you get his attention, raise the treat so that the dog has to put his nose up too. Arch back with the treat so that when he follows it, he automatically sits down. The moment he starts to sit, say forcefully sits and you give him the treat.
    • Practice at any occasion and in different locations, such as at home in the garden or on the street, the sits command. This prevents tunnel vision, where the beagle thinks he only needs to listen when the command is given at home.
    • Eventually, your dog will take command sits listen without having to make the bow with the candy.Once he does this regularly, you can skip giving him a treat. This creates insecurity in the mind of the dog, so that he does not take the treat for granted, but works harder for it.
  2. Train your broke to stay. Your dog must be able to follow the sit command before you teach him the stay command. Let yourself be broke. Hold up one hand like you want to stop someone and say stay in a strong voice.
    • Your dog may not do this for more than two seconds, but you should praise it exuberantly and keep practicing.
    • Eventually, you can practice getting away from your dog while he has to stay.
  3. Keep your beagle from jumping. There are several simple things you can do to keep your beagle from jumping up. If he successfully follows your commands, you will praise him exuberantly.
    • One method: you can ignore the jump and walk away. After a few minutes, call him and praise him.
    • Another method: you can use the stay command followed by the sit command.
    • If you suspect you're broke out of boredom, consider training him. The behavior may stop if he is busy learning new things.
  4. Train your broke to come. If the dog happens to come to you, say come. If he doesn't, lure him with a treat. When he gets to you, repeat come and reward him lavishly or give him a treat. Give your dog time to complete the command.
    • If your dog is taking frustratingly long to come, don't punish the beagle or strap on his leash and walk away with him. Your dog will then associate the come command with punishment.
    • Once your dog has come to you, instead of going straight home, give him his favorite toy and play with him on a leash for a few minutes. That way he will not associate coming with punishment or an end of entertainment.
  5. Keep your beagle from biting. If your dog bites while playing, don't play with him aggressively or roughly. If he starts biting during a game, stop playing. Your beagle will soon understand that biting is the end of pleasure. Give your dog space and let him get comfortable with you before approaching him.
    • If your broke bites you or someone else, it could be because he's scared or doesn't trust you.
    • Your dog may start to bite, but that doesn't mean he's a vicious or aggressive dog. Your beagle can just be curious, play, or defend himself. It is wise to teach your dog not to bite, regardless of the cause.
  6. Prepare for your beagle barking. Beagles often bark when they get excited or want to play. Unfortunately, this can be misunderstood by strangers as aggressive behavior, or by other dogs as overwhelming. Learn to read your dog's facial expressions at home when he is getting ready to bark. He may appear intensely focused, wrinkle his face, or start to frown. Pay attention to the unique expression your dog gets before barking.
    • When you see that expression, distract it. You can use the favorite toy to get his attention. If the barking is interrupted, let your dog sit and reward the good behavior.
    • Sometimes a recurring event can cause your dog to bark: the doorbell, garbage trucks in the morning, the vacuum cleaner. Find out what's causing your beagle barking and then try to find a solution, either by eliminating that or by teaching your dog not to bark.
  7. Teach your beagle not to bark at other dogs. Your beagle will likely run into other dogs when you take him out. To start, keep your dog on a leash. When he sees a dog and starts barking, say quiet, turn around and continue walking in the opposite direction. When the beagle has settled, turn around and walk back to the other dog. Keep repeating this, and eventually your beagle will learn that barking isn't productive.
    • If you are walking your beagle and see other dogs, don't get tense and concerned about whether your dog will bark. Chances are your broke will be able to read your tension, which will also make him tense, and more likely to bark.

Part 3 of 3: Potty training your beagle

  1. Create a toilet training routine. Start doing this as soon as you get the dog, by putting it immediately where it can go to the bathroom. If he is squatting, say a keyword like go poop. When he's done, give him lots of compliments or a treat.
    • Start by keeping your beagle in a room so he doesn't get overwhelmed or distracted by an entire house full of smells.
    • Immediately after relieving your dog, reward your dog so that he associates the reward with the action.
  2. Be consistent. Take your dog outside every 20 to 30 minutes if possible. Choose a place outside where you take your dog to relieve himself. Always go to that place when you walk him out. You should also take him out first thing in the morning, last thing in the evening, and after dinner. When he appears to be crouching, give him a lot of compliments.
    • Since you're already outside, reward your beagle with playtime in the park or a long walk.
  3. Feed your dog on a regular schedule. It is important to feed him at regular meal times, rather than letting him nibble all day long. Schedule multiple meal times throughout the day. Along with regular meal times, there will also be regular times when he needs to relieve himself. Take your beagle outside 30 to 40 minutes after every meal to relieve himself. Plan outings around meals and stick to the routine.
    • Young beagles should be let out more often. As a general rule, a puppy can wait an hour per month of age, up to 8 hours. For example, a three-month-old puppy can wait three hours.
    • The amount of food you give your beagle will depend on whether you are feeding dry factory food, meat, canned food, or homemade food. Talk to your vet about a healthy diet for beagles.
  4. Watch your dog for signs. Your broke will probably show that he needs to go out. Pay attention to that and allow him to go outside before an accident can happen.
    • Watch for barking or scratching at the door through which you are going out with your puppy, squatting, agitation, and sniffing or spinning around.
    • Better to let your broke out even if you're not really sure he has to.
  5. Be prepared to deal with accidents. If your beagle has an accident at home, don't punish him or be angry with your dog. Once he's out of the way, thoroughly clean the area with an enzymatic detergent so that no odor is left behind to draw him there.
    • Do not use common household cleaners that often contain bleach or ammonia. Ammonia is one of the components of urine. In fact, cleaning with that will amplify the odor signal from urine, which can cause the beagle to return to the wrong place to urinate.
    • Do not leave cleaning products in the house that your dog can reach. Most are dangerous to health, so dispose of them properly.


  • Because of you broke basic commands sits, stay and come to learn, you will be able to deal with almost any situation. For example, if your beagle wants to run after another dog, but responds immediately sits, then you have prevented the beagle from running away.
  • Start training as soon as you bring your beagle home by taking him outside to where he can go to the bathroom and praising him when he does. It's okay to start training as early as 8 weeks, but don't overexert the puppy's attention span. Letting the puppy sit before putting down his food is a good way to stop sits and let the puppy listen to you.
  • Crate training is a great option for beagles, and it can also make them feel safe and secure.
  • Beagles should be kept on a leash or in a fenced yard. When a beagle smells a scent, the dog will point its nose to the ground and follow the trail, usually deaf to the owner's commands. Beagles will follow a scent for hours or days and may get lost during the chase.
  • Dogs learn fastest when they are young, so don't be afraid to start training, but watch your dog's level of attention and keep sessions short if he has trouble concentrating.
  • Start toilet training as early as possible to avoid accidents.


  • Hit or shout never against a broke. Correct unwanted behavior with a stern verbal command or No. Let the dog know the correct behavior and immediately reward him when your beagle obeys.