Lose 9 pounds in a month

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 8 May 2024
5 Simple Ways To Lose 10 Pounds Per Month | skip2mylou
Video: 5 Simple Ways To Lose 10 Pounds Per Month | skip2mylou


Unfortunately, there is still no miracle cure for losing weight very quickly. You will have to eat the right things and exercise a lot. But if you really commit and stick with it, your goal may be in sight. Note: losing weight very quickly is not healthy and the pounds often come back faster than if you lose weight slowly.

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Method 1 of 3: Eat well

  1. Stock up on healthy things. Low-calorie foods that are filling are most important if you want to reach your goal. 400 calories from vegetables will leave you incredibly full, while after 400 calories from fried chicken you still want more. Here's what to eat to let your body know it's had enough.
    • Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy and lean meats are low in calories to help you lose weight. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water and few calories and fat, while 1 gram of fat already nine contains calories. So eat as little processed food as possible and go green. And for red, orange, yellow and purple.
      • Fiber is also very good for you, containing only 1.5-2.5 calories per gram. Most legumes, nuts and seeds are an excellent source of fiber.
  2. Don't add unnecessary extra calories while preparing your food. Lean chicken is really good for you ... unless you fry it in butter.
    • Remove the skin when preparing meat and also cut away the fat edges. Don't pan it or add other unnecessary things.
    • Don't fry your food. Even if they are vegetables; it loses its nutritional value when you fry it.
      • Rather steam your food and add lots of spices. Steaming instead of frying or deep-frying your food will contain fewer calories, and the spices will boost your digestion.
  3. Eat products that help burn fat. Starving yourself doesn't help if you want to get rid of fat - you have to choose the right products that will help burn the fat. Get rid of all the junk from your basement and fill it with good things:
    • Fatty fish that are high in Omega3 helps to lower leptin levels in your body. It ensures that you are less hungry and that your digestive system works at full power. If you don't like fish, you can also take fish oil supplements. It's not as good as real fish, of course, but it's still healthy.
    • Eat apples to burn fat. Apples are full of pectin, which absorbs fat from your body. They're also high in fiber and low in calories, so they're actually the perfect snack. And did we mention that they are also very tasty?
    • Add ginger and garlic to your meals. Ginger dilates the blood vessels and garlic lowers your insulin levels. In addition, they increase the speed of your digestion.
    • Preferably use olive oil for baking. Although oil is fat, these are the good fats (monounsaturated) that lower your cholesterol. And it has many more health benefits.
  4. Drink you slim. Water is the most important substance for weight loss. Drinking water in the morning, at noon and in the evening reduces appetite (and gives you beautiful skin!).
    • Drink two glasses of water before each meal. You will then be full much faster so that you eat fewer calories.
    • While everyone needs a different amount of water to stay hydrated, it is generally recommended that women drink 2.5 liters and men 3.5 liters per day. Water from food or other drinks also counts. .
      • Green tea is also very good. It is full of antioxidants and helps your digestion work faster.
      • Whatever you do, quit lemonade and alcohol. These are just empty calories so that you secretly gain a lot of weight without being full.
  5. Eat slim. Eating 5 to 7 small meals instead of 2 to 3 large meals will help you lose weight faster. You feel fuller all day long so you don't overeat easily.
    • Keep your snacks healthy. Measure out the portions of your healthy snacks (carrots, grapes, nuts, yogurt) and package them so that you have them up for grabs throughout the week. Instead of just working all day, you will work and snack, which will keep your digestion going.
    • Don't skip breakfast! Your body needs to get going in the morning. Not only will you lose more weight, you will also lose the pounds more easily to keep.

Method 2 of 3: Movement

  1. Start with cardio training. The fastest way to burn fat and calories is to do cardio training. There is nothing to argue with that. Fortunately, you can choose from many different types of cardio exercises.
    • Running, cycling, swimming, boxing, tennis, dancing and such activities count as cardio training. So if running gives you pain in your knees, choose another option.
      • Running, tae kwon do, aerobics and skipping rope burn the most calories. .
      • Immerse yourself in interval training. Research has shown that interval training, where you alternate a number of short bursts of intense movement with slower moments to recover, can achieve the same health benefits in a much shorter time than conventional endurance training. You not only burn more calories, it is also much faster.
  2. Start strength training. Cardio training is great, and you definitely need it if you want to lose weight, but for best results, combine it with strength training. .
    • You can do cardio training every day, but not strength training. Your muscles need time to recover. Try to do as much cardio as possible, but limit strength training to a few times a week.
  3. Be realistic. If you are not in good shape (through your own fault or a physical problem) you may think that you cannot exercise. But you can - you'll just need to work out longer sessions. Whether you exercise intensively or need to slow down, you still burn calories and your muscles get stronger.
    • Even short walks, climbing stairs or washing the car count when it comes to burning calories. If you can't run 5 kilometers, that's okay. Just pay more attention to your diet and walk 3 miles in the morning. Every bit helps.

Method 3 of 3: How to achieve your goal

  1. Calculate your BMR. Whatever you do, your body is expending energy at a certain rate. This is called your Basal Metabolic Rate. With a BMR calculator you can calculate how many calories you burn if you do nothing at all in a day. This way you know how much exercise you need and how much you can eat to lose weight. It also takes into account factors such as age, gender and activity level.

    • The BMR formula for women: BMR = 655 + (9.6 * weight in kilos) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years).
    • The BMR formula for men: BMR = 66 + (13.7 * weight in kilos) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years).
  2. Determine your level of activity. A classification has been made to calculate the degree of activity. This is included in the calculation of your daily calorie burn.
    • Little or no training, office work = 1.2
    • Light training / sport 1-3 days a week = 1,375
    • Average training / sport 3-5 days a week = 1.55
    • Heavy training / sports 6-7 days a week = 1,725
    • Heavy daily training / sports plus physical work training once or twice a day, marathon, football camp, competition, etc = 1.9
  3. Calculate the amount of energy you need to burn every day. To calculate this, multiply your BMR by your activity level.

    • This is your total daily energy consumption. It may seem like a high number, but remember, you burn calories even in your sleep.
    • For example, if your BMR is 3500 and you move moderately, multiply 3500 by 1.55 to get 5425. That is the number of calories you have to burn to maintain the same weight. If you want to lose 9 pounds in a month, you will have to cut at least 1000 calories a day from your diet or burn extra with more exercise. That's a pretty tough goal.


  • Drink water and sweat a lot; therefore you really lose weight faster.
  • Don't obsess over your weight - those numbers don't mean much. Muscles are much heavier than fat, so if you lose weight and exercise a lot you may put on weight first. Rather, look at how your clothes fit.
  • Eat all kinds of low-fat dairy. Milk, cheese and yogurt help break down fat cells and are high in calcium.
  • Soy-based products are healthy alternatives to meat. They are full of vitamins and minerals, and are low in fat and calories.
  • If you have a sweet tooth, replace sugar with honey. While that's not ideal either, honey is healthier.


  • Avoid fruit juice and preserved fruit. They are full of sugars.
  • Avoid alcohol. Not only is it full of empty calories, but after a few beers that shawarma sandwich doesn't seem so bad either.